Another vote for OutBack love. We have a loaded (eyesight) 2015 with nearly 95k miles already; no issues. Yup, my only neg is the infotainment screen construction and design (I'm "OK" with the software) that washes out too easily in any bright light. Oh, and the tiny clock buried deep down on the dash (fixed that). Great utility, handling, and comfort for a family of four + big dog (greyhound) on trips. Out at Big Bend and hauling heavy loads:
31.2 MPG at 200 miles so far with mixed driving with a Prius foot. No road rage as with the Prius even though I accelerate even slower than before. EV mode is a nice toy but it has to be pushed at every stop light and the battery is too small to be able to accomplish much. Front parking sensors get a total failure grade. Lines on the 360 view etc are impossible to tell how close you are to a wall. Also the two front angle sensors do not give you proper frontal distance warnings. A red or orange warning on this would be 6 " deep into the wall. I have reverted to putting live human beings as a cushion against the wall. This beast reminds me of my old Cadillac days with the dead cow skin interior. Very luxurious vehicle and rides like a charm. Hood and hatch weigh a ton. This could easily go on a diet and loose 500#. I would drop in the 4 cyl version CVT/Engine in this, aluminum hood and hatch, Picture of a spare tire in the back, no rear bench seat, LRR tires and wheels, Prius complete advanced sensor package, larger battery, Etc. Could easily get 40 ish MPG with these changes and still be 4 wheel drive for the snow country. Really think they should all go to rear wheel drive with one electric motor and two axels and empty the under hood area.
I have owned 3 RAV4s continuously since 1999 and each generation is more car and less SUV (just bought a prius this week!). The last straw was not having any tie points on my 2013 model, front or back, to tie anything on the roof such as a kayak (and the decorative stock roof racks with an antenna in the middle!). I used to do woods roads and crawl over rocks with my 1999 one - would not even try that with the latest one. Many SUVs, the RAV4 included, are just cars with SUV bodies. You would probably be better off with model that is derived from SUV rather than car roots. --- Dave
Pulled the trigger on the Outback. Out the door price with all taxes and fees hit $31K even. Option pack #24. Took some real hardball negotiation but end of month and fact that 2020 models are due to hit lots in a few months helped. Oh. Guess I should mention I opted for the Limited trim model ..... Mostly because wifey wanted leather seats.
Congrats! Our 2015 just turned four, has nearly 100k miles on it and is running like a champ, no issues and still on the original brake pads. If you DIY oil changes, you are going to really like doing them on the OB; easiest vehicle I've ever done next to a motorcycle. We got reimbursed 100% for a windshield replacement because the original was deemed defective and caused cracks at the heating element. Would loved to check out and consider the PHEV crosstek but its not available here.
Big factor in purchase was I am just more comfortable with the Outback since it got so many glowing reviews here. Liked how it was more car-like than the others. Nearly went for the Subaru Forester, but thought I got a better deal with the Outback. The Forester seems to be a nice rig, though. My daughter, who just purchased a 2016 RAV lobbied for the RAV, but have seen a number of not so enthusiastic reviews about the new redesign of the RAV. The Outback is due for the big redesign in 2020, which is part of what is sparking the dealers to make some big cuts in price on the 2019 model. If someone is looking to buy, the deals will probably only get better on the 2019 models ---
That's the one if you do anything other than normal driving. Very solid vehicle. Be sure to mount your gun turret on the back.
Looking for a new vehicle myself (well, ourselves), since my near-fatal accident last year....and this thread has been extremely helpful. I really wanted to buy in February as I know that is the dead slowest time in car sales and figured we might ekk out a good deal....But since I could not walk, and certainly could not drive, put off the effort. But, looks as if I may be ready to transition to mobility and I am putting the Outback near the top of the list -- mostly because of the safety rating of the vehicle. Thanks again for this discussion and enjoy your new car! kris
Safety was actually one of my main issues, also. My mom sustained severe back injuries in a car accident. In those days, families such as mine did not have "health insurance," and she suffered through the rest of her life with pain, although, she did not complain and managed to "keep on keeping on." Best of luck to you. Can't give you much in terms of how much I like it yet. I drove it home from the dealer yesterday and there it sits. I will say that one feature -- auto braking when the car senses a car ahead slowing down -- scared the X#!&* out of me. That will take some getting used to -- I believe.
Don't cross off trucks just yet. You can put anything in the back and remove it fairly easy. The doors that swing open with no jam is an interesting feature in the cheaper version. However I could not talk my wife into a truck.
Amazing. I did not really care much about vehicle safety ratings until recently.... Live (hopefully) and learn kris
I didn't care about cholesterol until I was 50.... Fortunately, one of the reasons that married men live longer (instead of it just SEEMING longer) is that women have more common sense than we do....and they're more safety conscious.
Looks as if we may follow the trend and opt for the 2019 Outback, also. Going to wait toward the end of the month as inventory still seems pretty high around here and the combo of post-Easter and end of month may shake a few extra dollars off the price. Times like thse when I appreciate Oregon's lack of sales tax. Safety and versatility are primary factors (may be useful in our rare snow storms). I don't plan to drive it much anyway...well...won't be driving period for at least another month, maybe more. kris
Found an interesting All-new RAV4 TV commercial for the Japanese market. Enjoy some Classic. Make sure you have the sound ON.
Took me a bit to catch onto what they were doing in that big circle!! As for cholesterol, I have been taking --- lowers cholesterol as well as shrinks pesky prostrates (sorry, Kris).
Also look at the Volvo XC70; it is a nicer, more comfortable version of the Outback. 2016 was the last year of the pre-Geely third gen, so there will be low mileage, pre-owned ones on the market. There is also the XC60 that is a slightly different form factor. If AWD and ground clearance isn't a need, there are plain wagon versions, V50 and V70 IIRC, though I think they will be harder to find.
I had thought about Volvo, but I talked to our mechanic a few weeks ago and he recommended against Volvo as he said it is expensive to import that air from Sweden everytime the tires need to be brought up a pound or two in pressure. In other words they are good vehicles, but if something goes wrong they are pricey to repair. Up until several years ago, he also recommended against Subaru, but he says they are now O.K. He still recommends Toyota as the Number One choice for us (laughing as he drives a big GMC -- but then as he says -- he is the one doing the repairs to it). kris