I had a demonstrator that had a similar tailgate rattle. I eventually fixed it by tightening the tailgate lock mech by wrapping a little insulating tape around the U shape catch which then held the gate more tightly. However reading a few more articles its seems the problem could also be solved by increasing the thickness slightly of the rubber stops either side of the tailgate adjacent to the drainage channels from the roof which run down either side of the tailgate. Basically it just needed to be under a slight pressure when locked. Hope you get the drift as its difficult to put into words what a picture would sort out ;-)
ok, my rattle is from the rear hatch area and is very frustrating!!! its not a huge loud rattle, just a muffled one (my wife thinks I'm nuts) these are the things I've tried... 1.secured license plate with 2 additional screws (4 altogether) 2.removed upper cargo cover 3.folded rear seats down 4.locked lower cargo compartment 5.installed foam pieces around lower cargo compartment 6.removed left rear small cargo compartment cover 7.installed foam pieces around left rear felt liner panel 8.installed foam pieces on hatch bump stops 9.installed foam pieces between rear hatch glass and plastic trim 10. also tried cramming towels in all the nooks and gaps in the rear area. 11. installed foam underneath rear spoiler (lifted up and wedged in) 12. aerospace 303'd the rear hatch rubber seal last thing I'm going to do is remove everything from the rear area and drive around with the spare tire area exposed.
Bagwell, here is what I did that stopped my rattle in the hatch area: 1) Add Surface Gards to the upper side spacers (total 4 per side - see picture). Note that I live in a dry climate and I wonder if rain or ice would cause these to come off. If these work for you, I suggest using Superglue to stick them on and not rely on the sticky side of the felt. Again, I can't say how these will hold up in bad weather. 2) Add Surface Gards to the lower spacer's "landing area" - see picture. 3) Use Liquid Wrench silicon spray and carefully treat the entire rear hatch seal with it. Just apply it to an old rag and then wipe it onto the seal. Sometimes when a seal dries out, it can chafe on the surface it sits on creating a noise. 4) If you grasp your spoiler and wiggle it up and down, do you hear a clicking or a noise? Mine had a loud click I thought was a rattle so I forced thin foam rubber on the underside that was loose or clicking (see picture). 5) This area as seen looking up at the open hatch has a cover plate that is a bit loose. I had removed the inner lower black plastic shield and noticed how loose it was. I back-filled it with a thin layer of foam rubber before putting the inner shield back on. Then on the underside, I put 2 more Surface Gards. Photo of Surface Gards (hardware stores or Home Depot): Good luck - let me know if this solves your rattle.
phoenixgreg -- thanks -- I amended my post -- I tried everything that you suggested already (not the liquid wrench but aerospace 303, its similar to armorall; not surface guards but dense foam rubber) --thanks for the tips tho -- keep the ideas coming!!!!
Mike - the 303 is a fine product and will work as well as silicon on the seals. 303 is not easily found (I have a bottle). I had to go to a pool and spa store to get it.
They put felt under which plastic? I get some rattling from the hatch area and can't figure it out. Tried with the cover extended and retracted. Removed some of the carpeted paneling. Nothings worked. I'll try the seat down technique.
Rattling in my hatchback is almost certainly the spoiler. The spoiler is not solidly fastened and squeaks/squawks when you move it. Every gen III spoiler is slightly loose -- i'm not sure if this is by design, e.g. to offer some compliance to the attachment points over road imperfections -- or just poor qc. I'll ask my dealer at the 5k service.
its easy to insert a couple of small pieces of foam with a screwdriver while slightly lifting the spoiler...it stops any squeaks and noises. ....but that didn't stop my rattle....just working on mine...
ok, I removed every single thing from the rear hatch --- the cargo covers, all plastic covers, battery cover etc, folded the seats down and still get the rattle --- I just need to get in the back and have someone else drive around while I listen and press on different areas to stop the rattle
I did the same thing and rode back there with the black plastic inner housings removed. I could not find the rattle nor did pressing on various spots relieve it. My first reaction was that the glass seal was loose, but the glass was fine. I never really found the rattle even though it sounded like a screwdriver or some tool flopping around in a bulkhead. I finally took the steps outlined earlier in this thread and went thru a lot of felt tabs, but the hatch is now quiet. I also forced thin foam rubber under the spoiler as it was loose too. I could make a popping noise with it when I wiggled it up and down. I still think when the body twists, the hatch door's rain track spacers rub and create the noise.
Thank you Phoenixgreg for providing such a detailed report to get rid of the tailgate rattle and noise. I have just finished patching mine this after using the Faultless surface saver and anti-skid savers underneath the outter tailpiece section. I have also checked the battery compartment for rattles, but it seems OK there. Will get to work tomorrow and put on 110km on her and see whether the rattle has completely gone.
I hate driving my 2010 Prius because of the rattles the most annoying part is that Toyota will not fix that in future models, 2011 is the same rattle box from what I heard!! y have so many that is disgusting! I can't wait for getting rid of the car but there is nothing out there I like (design & MPG)!!
I noticed when I changed my battery (first time to have the storage pan out) the tire hold down was very loose.