<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(TonyPSchaefer @ Oct 16 2006, 03:36 PM) [snapback]333599[/snapback]</div> *rib* *rib* you know we still love you tony. even if you do overthink things.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Skwyre7 @ Oct 14 2006, 07:46 PM) [snapback]332880[/snapback]</div> I usually wait for the last pip to go blinking, and I usually have about 50 more miles to go. I get real nrevous, though. I've been taking my wife around a lot more lately, leaving her in the car while I go inside for 10 or more minutes, so I distrust the computer more, and fill up on the last pip,
As others pointed out, the average variability seems rather low... however, by simply averaging those numbers you don't really get a correct picture. instead, the averages need to be weighted by the distance traveled/gas used. If you have either of these numbers still, Tony, try taking them and creating a few more columns - MFD gas used and Gas pumped. taking those and totalling them, then divided by the total mileage over all the tanks should give you the correct average MPG reading for both MFD and calculated. I'd expect these numbers to be very close, possibly even closer than a straight average of these numbers. <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Skwyre7 @ Oct 14 2006, 07:46 PM) [snapback]332880[/snapback]</div> Actually, the Prius knows the exact MPG (theoretically) the entire time. Since the computers control the engine timing, etc, they are able to constantly calculate exactly how much gas has been injected into the ICE. combined with what is essentially a trip odometer, it's able to tell you instantanious mileage, short averages, and maintain a longer average until it's reset. The issue with the first pip disapearing after 150+ miles while the rest may disapear after only 50 miles or so comes in the inaccuracy of the gauge.Think back to chemistry class, whenever you last had it. You're sitting in lab, with a beaker and an oversized balloon. Fill the balloon up with water, and stick it in the beaker - Now, you can see that there are some air pocekets trapped in the bottom, which makes measuring the volume of the water a little difficult, even though there are marks on the side of the beaker. And lets not forget that the top of the balloon is rounded, making things a little more difficult. Now take this beaker and balloon out of the classroom and jump in the car. Start driving around, slowly letting water out of the balloon. notice how the car bounces, the turns cause the water to all rush to one side, the inclines make it move to the back. How accurate can your readings of remaining volume be under these conditions? Now, that was only an example, the car almost certainly uses a different method to measure the remaining gas. But hopefully from that simple experiment anyone can perform you can see why it might be so difficult for the "guess gauge". so in short, add fuel before it says it's completely and totally bone dry - you might not be as lucky as Tony! FWIW, i usually add between 1 and 2 pips (depending on my schedule) - i've only seen the add fuel warning once, and that was my very first tank. And finally, it's nice to occasionally see one of these old guys (read: those who have been here a long time, not actual age) fall off the pedestal and make a rookie mistake
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(erogla @ Oct 14 2006, 10:11 AM) [snapback]332698[/snapback]</div> Couldn't have said it better myself. While I admire fanatics like Tony who get ridiculous mileage, I'm more than happy wih 45 mpg and refueling every 400-450 miles.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(bigj3347 @ Oct 17 2006, 10:20 AM) [snapback]333991[/snapback]</div> I'd be more happy being like Tony . . . AND getting ridiculous mileage. :huh: But please don't make me move to the Far-North Chicagoland area . . . I'd have to kill myself.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(eagle33199 @ Oct 17 2006, 08:33 AM) [snapback]333929[/snapback]</div> Agreed. For my first 20k miles I maintained a spreadsheet which included the weighted average of the indicated per tank mpg. (19.952 miles, 52 fill-ups). The average and weighted average were quite close, only .2 different out of my average of 46.8 mpg. The weighted average of my indicated mpg was 2.2% higher than my calculated. I have stopped keeping mpg records. I believe the car is telling me all I want to know in real time.
WELL after all is said and done, i am pleased that Toyota's built in traction battery protection (the one that allows the Prius to seemingly run out of gas) system is working ok. it did serve its purpose to give the driver a wake up call and at the same time, safely transported the owner to their destination. hehehe
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(DaveinOlyWA @ Oct 17 2006, 05:04 PM) [snapback]334196[/snapback]</div> Hey! I resemble that remark. h34r: But let me set the record straight: there's nothing special about what/how/where/when I drive. I refuse to be called an expert and post my follies along with any successes. I avoid getting technical because I don't want to get that wrapped up in it. Though I appreciate the acknowledgement of some pretty good tanks, I will never avoid pointing out the truly stellar averages of FireEngineer and the Hypermilers over on CleamMPG.com. Anyone - and I mean anyone - could achieve relatively high numbers respective to their terraine and climate if they really wanted. Seriously here, I'm just one man with one Prius trying to save the planet one day at a time. Just like everyone else, right? And running out of gas had nothing to do with mileage: it was all stupidity.
gee Tony, you dont have CANVIEW... not that the gas gauge on CANVIEW is better... but is gradiants are only 2½%. that beats 10 blips and a blinker. in my experience with my 04, i actually hit zero % 3-5 times and once even drove 8 miles after it went to zero. but, when i was doing this, i admit to not knowing or caring about how big my previous fillup was.
Blame Priapus. It's his fault after all. He should have known better. <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(bigdaddy @ Oct 16 2006, 01:53 PM) [snapback]333677[/snapback]</div> Mine doesn't have a snowflake. It's been brought to my attention that the 2006's don't have the snowflake, and I don't know if the 2007's do either. Is it possible for one to miss something that they never even had? :huh:
no snowflake on the 2006's??? ahhh...bummer. not that i enjoy seeing it...but i do acknowledge its efforts to advise of possibly dangerous road conditions. soooo....what do we have?
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(DaveinOlyWA @ Oct 18 2006, 01:00 PM) [snapback]334680[/snapback]</div> Note my disappointment in posts #6 and 13 in the following thread when it was revealed to me that there is no snowflake in my car: No Snowflake This after a weeklong trip to the mountains during which it snowed almost 7 feet. It would be nice to have.
Well, I joined the legions of new Prius owners and ran out of gas this morning on the freeway. The engine shut off and went into electric mode and my speed was reduced down to about 45 mph. It sucked the battery power down fairly quickly but I was able to get to a gas station (about a mile plus a stop light and waiting for a fire engine to pass) before the battery totally drained. When I filled up it allowed only 11 gallons instead of the stated 11.9 gallons the manual indicates. I hadn't read any of these "out of gas" postings so I didn't realize that the gas tank "bladder" is a very flexible part. I totally believed that I could get to 600 miles and have 1/2 gallon left. I made it to 577 miles (52.5 mpg). So my limits have been reached... I'll be filling up now when the flashing light comes on...