I'm wondering if it does this to protect the ICE as running out of gas obviously isn't the greatest on the car.
If I ever decide to commit suicide by jumping to the far rocks off a coastal ledge, I want to be wearing a T-Shirt that says that. OK..I guess I'm just against purposely running out of gas. But I'm really NOT against experimentation and knowing where that edge is...but the problem is, even if prepared...can you guarantee me that playing this game is really safe? I think it can be hard on the vehicle, and if you happen to lose power at the wrong moment, even dangerous to yourself and possibly others. Unless you are running out of gas in really controlled conditions, it's an experiment I would abandon.
I can guarantee that living is unsafe, and that death is inevitable. Hopefully I can have a little fun, learn something, and help some people before that end comes. That said, I take on a bigger risk of injury every time I ride a motorcycle. I'm willing to risk some financial loss to learn something and share my results. I'll try to run out of gas along the I-5 corridor where I'll always be within 5 miles of a petrol station.
the good thing about the pip running out of gas is you still have a good 10-12 miles of ev if you plan correctly.
What was the point of driving 130 miles beyond the refill warning? There are many, many threads documenting distance-per-tank already.
I guess this represents my feelings on the matter as well. And the risk and danger isn't just to the individual driving the vehicle that is running out of gas. A vehicle not able to perform normally, in traffic conditions is a danger and risk to all traffic around it. You can mask the behavior as being some type of "scientific" experiment for the good of the Prius Driving community, but those types of experiments have already been done and established. I think it's cheap thrill, and normally I'm OK with that. But in this case? Not worth the risk and reward.
A car stopped by the side of the road, people getting out, walking up the highway, what's not to like.
Personally I'm glad someone did it and posted the details of what happened on here. I actually thought something was seriously wrong with my car until I remembered this thread.
1. You get to one pip left 2. The last pip blinks 3. A warning is displayed that you must refuel I guess you want number 4? 4. WE'VE WARNED YOU 3 TIMES...FILLUP ALREADY. Back in the olden days we had a gauge with a few tick marks and a needle. You had no warning...you got down to the E and you were about to drive on fumes. Mike
Maybe you were "about to drive on fumes," as on my first car, or maybe you still had 100 miles left, as on my last car. Those "olden" gauges had one big advantage, in that once you were familiar with a car and its gauge, you could glance at the gauge and tell how much fuel was left within 0.1 or 0.2 gallon. With the coarse resolution of the Prius gauge, all we can see is whatever x pips represent, plus or minus a whole gallon or so.
The number 3 option is non existent. But yes, I agree. I made a mistake and obviously pushed my luck.
I can guarantee that living is unsafe, and that death is inevitable. Hopefully I can have a little fun, learn something, and help some people before that end comes. I REALLY like that mantra - (Yeah, I ride a m/c also) .
i was wondering about #3 also, but i haven't run the pip low enough to know. there was no warning on my '08.
Having such a large margin between the last warning and actual fuel exhaustion bothers me. A past Saturn started "dinging" more and more insistently as I approached exhaustion (under 1 gallon), and I thought the increasing auditory warning as the danger of fuel exhaustion increased was a good idea.