I used to use 0000 SteelWool/Rain-X… …and then I discovered the Chris Fix method, which (IMNSHO) is far better!)
It looks like somebody else already gave up on this, for fairly predictable reasons. That doesn't mean it is out of reach as a DIY. Interesting project idea.
Looks like step #1 is to compare sensors on Premium vs Adv and if windshields are different; that would kibosh the idea.
Check on youtube - the 0000 SteelWool then Rain-X is one method of getting the glass super clean and shedding water like you wouldn't believe, and then, check out the Chris Fix method, which (IMNSHO) knocks the 0000 SteelWool/Rain-x method into a cocked hat! Here you go: 0000SteelWool/Rain-X ChrisFix
Ok for people saying what if rain sensing wiper breaks? I have had this on my Acura MDX 2003 and it does not break Auto sensing is one of the position on the stalk so all you do is use it as a regular wiper (wipers doesn't stop working). Worst thing I have seen it do is occasional wipe when I was not expecting it I also have this feature in 2019 MDX I just bought. I wish I had that in my Prius Prime but it's only in Advance.
The relay for my auto wipers failed on me but it was replaced under good faith by Corp. since it happened after the warranty expired. It Was a $500 relay plug. No problems since. I would still rather have auto-wipers then not. I love my BMW X5 auto wipers the best. But the primes advance is close to it. I also use rain x or aquapel which help a ton in Oregon rain.
Old thread but was thinking of doing the same thing, figured that the windscreen doesn’t make a difference and the stalk doesn’t need changing as both the auto and normal stalk send the exact same signals and the positions are exact the same the only difference is the fact that one says auto. (I know this because I was switching my stalk from an import, (Toyota Estima) which had the indicator stalk on the wrong side, to the UK spec stalks. In doing so I had to go through a few different stalks to find the correct fit for my car. I also had to test each stalk to match its functions with the UK spec as the wiring was completely different then had to rewire it to match the new stalk so everything worked right) the auto stalk worked as a normal stalk without the auto wiper gear. the only difference between the auto and normal is that the auto has a different wiper module plus rain sensors so technically this is all you need to make it work. I’m guessing it’s the same circuit system but one allows the sensor input for the auto feature. Iv purchased the rain sensor and wiring, just need the correct wiper module for my car and figure out what each wire represents so I can wire it correctly as the wiring on the import is a nightmare to work with as their usually not the typical colours.