Doesn't everyone eat a burger for breakfast occasionally? How about leftover Chinese food? Is that okay?
Does anyone remember that for a few years in the late 90's Taco Bell had a breakfast menu of the most delicious variety of "breakfast burritos"? And don't you know I became addicted to those suckers? And, further, that when TB Corporate abruptly decided to discontinue them, I called their damn 800 ("how're we doin'?") number several times, complaining bitterly, to no avail? And that I STILL miss them?
Do you think they stopped because people would sue them for such unhealthy food? Isn't lunch and dinner enough?
It's not even Ask Jeeves anymore, is it? Isn't it just Ask? What's up with that? Was there something wrong with Jeeves?
Do you think it was Dragonfly in the living room with a bucket? Did we leave her alone in there for a while while we thought she was passed out?