Do you think he's even aware of that? Am I going to be competing with all of you for a Walmart greeter job in 10 or 15 years?
Do you suppose my Social Security payments will be enough to buy the premium cat food, or just the Walmart house brand of cat food?
Do you think that you will be able to afford the wet food? Or will you just have to buy the dry food, and hope you have enough saliva to swallow it?
Don't you think the dry food will be healthier? Who knows what kind of stuff they may put in the wet food? Do you think it will all come from China by then?
Doesn't some of the dry cat food have bone meal in it? If the cat food is made in China, would you be correct in saying that you were eating Chinese food?
Won't that be too expensive? Did you ever see Roger & Me? Do you remember the woman who raised rabbits? Do you think I could raise rabbits for meat?
Have you not seen my keychain? Wouldn't a rabbit foot look great on that? Do you think Alaska sells wolf feet on keychains? Don't they have a surplus of them?
Don't you think I would have to deal with PETA protests if I tried selling rabbits feet? Would they understand if I told them I needed to eat the rabbits because GWB squandered my retirement money?
Wouldn't that be the height of cruelty, cutting off a poor little bunny's feet and making him flop instead of hop?
Could you make some fashionable earrings out of his rib cage? Would you be averse to selling your goods at a flea market?