Is anyone else really tired of all the lying in political campaigns? Do you believe they pick political consultants on their ability to fabricate lies about the other side?
What was the name of Gary Hart's boat that got him (& Donna Rice) off the presidential trail, all those years ago?
Doesn't the word POTUS sound vaguely scatalogical? Something like "Was my potus really audible all the way in here?"
Doesn't she seem like she is too smart and too nice to be married to him? How do you suppose that happened?
Do you think she married him because he comes from a rich and powerful family? Do you think she thought he would provide her with a comfortable and safe life?
Is that Laura in the background of the picture? Is she hurling that bike into his path? Do you think that she is a hit man, or rather hit woman?
Have you ever ridden a Segway? Do you know that it is very difficult to fall off of one? Do you think that even a chimp could learn how to operate it with little guidance?
Would you believe that I rode one at Epcot as part of a park tour? Do you ever wonder what the Bush's lives will be like after office? You think they will just settle down at the ole Crawford Ranch?