Are you Cosmo Kramer brand of crazy? Are you Walter Sobchak brand of crazy? Are you Ollie North brand of crazy? Are you Al Davis brand of crazy? Or are you Chuck Manson brand of crazy? How many brands of crazy are you looking for?
Dogfriend, when did you get into the crazy business? Do you have anything available from your Fall collection?
Would you believe me if I said I have neither broadcast or cable? Does this prove that I am indeed crazy like an armadillo?
Could an armadillo be on Nashville Star? Did you hear that little Disney product Miley Cyrus is dating an underwear model that is on Nashville Star?
Did you hear that the "fundamentals of the economy" are strong? Is that true? After what happened yesterday? Who is Miley?
Are you referencing the 504 point drop of the Dow Jones? Could Miley help the economy? How many shares can a 12 year old buy with their allowance?
Doesn't he always ask the guys what brings them to the home of a 13 year old girl? And don't they always lie about why they are there?