Yeah, and are you baffled as I am when people sample some dessert and say, oohhh, that's "rich," ....... Rich in what? Sugar, fat, flavor? (That's kind of what I go out of my way to look for in a dessert)
Wouldn't EVERYthing in moderation just be excessive and unmoderate? Should moderates just say SOME things in moderation?
Double dessert? Why not do a chocolate fudge cake with triple fudge chip ice cream, topped with hot fudge, with a scoop of fudge chip chocolate ice cream on top, covered with chocolate whipped cream, and topped off with Hershey's syrup and a chocolate-covered cherry? Why not do double the double desserts? (by the way, I've done that, minus the cherry; you only do it once in a looooooooooooong while.)