I don't know if this will help or not but the floormats that were added on as a $200 option were 5 mats including the cargo area. They were thrown in on the deal so I didn't pay for them but there were 5.
Does anyone else have this problem? MY driver side mat holes do not line up with the anchor holes in the floor so the hooks were not installed. not sure I like the 2 color mat scheme, but they are coming out, rubber going in, and being saved for when I sell. The cargo area is almost the same as the '06.
Danny- I'd like an answer to this as well - I asked via Priuschat Shop a week ago. Per Sales, the port didn't have the AllWeather mats and didn't know anything about the AW Cargo mat. I'd klike to order all thru PC Shop....
The All-weather mats listed on the PC Shop are for only the 4 piece passenger area set. I haven't listed the all-weather cargo mat yet, but I expect to sell it for around $80 shipped. So, together you'd be saving about $30 + tax by buying the all-weather set through the Shop as opposed to your dealership. Also, if you want a color combination of carpet mats that do not come "standard" from the port with your color, just ask them to take the mats off and credit you for them, and then buy whatever color you would like through the PriusChat Shop. I'll have all of the colors up soon (along with the cargo carpet mat). As far as 3rd party all-weather solutions go, I wouldn't hold your breath. I spoke with Weathertech yesterday and they said they won't have anything out for the 2010 for 3-6 months. I'll be working my sources for other brands, though.
Danny, Thanks so much. Would it be better / cheaper to wait till the AW cargo mat is listed and order them all together, or order the mats now and cargo later?
In case anyone wanted to see pics of the all weather mats, here they are. The rear cargo mat is black like the rest, just my flash washed it out. Please excuse the dirt
Yeah, it's kinda a track and 'one mat' just lays into the 'other mats' track. I thought it was good attention to detail considering how there is that great compartment under there, which i for one do use often... I also love having the all weather mats SO much more than the carpeted I had in my 06' because stuff such as coolers do not slide back and forth in the trunk now.
I ordered my car without mats. Does anyone know if the posts the floor mat clips fit on will already be installed?
I 'think' they come with the floormats. I just sold my 06' and had the carpeted ones that came with it still in the bag they came in stored un top of a shelf in my garage. When I went to put them in the day it sold the clips were in the sealed bag with the mats... Now with my 2010 the clips were in the floor but I'm pretty sure they put them in at the port when they put the mats down on the floor...
Same thing in our car. The car came with the carpet mats installed, but no hooks and the holes don't line up.
I don't have a Prius but if it's the same as the Camry; I believe that the holes don't line up because the clips have a horizontal piece before the peg/hook comes up. I'm sure once you get some clips everything will line up.
After looking the the mats in Paradox's car I'm scared to death that the port installed mats (5) will be either mismatched colors or all blacks. They look horrible against the misty grey interior (don't take it personally Paradox, beauty is in the eye of the beholder). Am I obligated to take them at delivery if I don't like them? IS there any aftermarket all-weather mats that will match the misty grey?
Doug: Thank you for your reply, but I still do not agree that it is a good combination of colors. The grey door/window upper pillar joining the bisque rising from the floor as well as the approximate 1" bisque trim alongside the grey/misty grey is off color. The dealer was appalled as well as I when I pointed out the opposing colors when I picked the car up. A very good friend is a Honda, Yamaha, Kawasaki motorsports dealer and he bought an new top of the line Honda Accord in their white pearl and bisque/tan interior. It is 100% bisque/tan. Do you have the square feet measurement of bisque, of grey/misty grey, and of black of the interior components? Percentage wise, I can estimate that the grey will rival the bisque for the top spot. We have an 05 with Bisque interior and the black dash flows with the upper half of the door panel that is black. The only black on the door of the 10 is the small area the window lock switches are mounted in. Eyes are drawn to the black patches laying in the floor. I have clear vinyl mats laying on them now but will purchase all weather mats as soon as I see the correct color that will coordinate with the carpet. There is not any confusion here. I own 3 Prius with Bisque interior and 2 of the three are bisque. The 2008 Touring is bisque leather also with bisque trim. The 2010 is a combination of bisque, grey, and black. As I stated several times before, if I had known of the checker board combination of colors in the bisque interior, I would have chosen the misty grey. The exterior fit and finish of the car is impeccable. Coordination of the trim and quality of the Blizzard Pearl is wonderful. Operation, performance, and economy is superior to all. The interior does not match the quality of the rest of the car. My Prius Priority survey reflected my feelings as well. My next door neighbor just bought a new Blizzard Pearl Highlander with bisque this week. It is 100% bisque interior. What's up with that? By the way, I did my best to talk her into the Highlander due to my confidence in Toyota's reliability as they were looking at Ford and GM products and the Ford and GM were less expensive. I would like to humbly suggest that customers and dealers are made aware of the fact that if they purchase a bisque interior that it is NOT 100% bisque or even tan on a Prius.
That's ok, I can't take it personal since I don't have the misty grey interior. I was actually glad they were black, so different strokes...
Misty grey has dark, but not black mats. I can't say the all weather mats do it for me, but I don't live in a winter climate where they'd be appropriate. Too utilitarian otherwise. If it were feasible ($$$), I'd probably keep a set of each and switch out as the seasons changed.
For 8 year this anal soul put matching taupe towels over premium car mats in a minivan so they wouldn't get dirty. I am now trading it in and the interior (yes, even the carpet & mats) are in mint condition. I plan to be just as anal with the prius. Well, except this time I am getting the all-weather mats instead of carpets. I am hoping that rubber will handle the eveyday wear & tear better than carpet. The color matching the misty grey interior is the other anal part of me that likes coordinating, not contrasting colors on the inside of a car. I think contrasting colors breaks up the lines and makes everything look too choppy. I will be very unhappy if the mats are black or even dark gray! Misty grey interior should have misty grey mats period!
I used to switch them out from carpeted to rubber but eventually I just got lazy and began leaving the rubber ones in year round... With the winters we get here and just normal rain during the summer months I just didn't see a need for them (carpeted) anymore. Plus I can clean the rubber ones so much easier... Now if I did live in AZ, oh hell yeah I'd just run with carpeted year round.
It must be all that dry heat I keep hearing about in AZ. "It's 110° out, but it's a dry heat, so it's not that bad". Bull - 110° in any way, shape or form is HOT! I envy you though. I grew up on LI, NY and then eastern TN. In both places the heat and humidity were horrible! Dry isn't sounding so bad right now. Go AZ!!
O.K. You put it a bit more bluntly, but my feelings mirror yours on the color coordinating. Try a tan, grey, black interior!