So it is perfectly perfect when you have keys in your hand! Hey remember when you thought it was never gonna happen? :flypig: Now you can start buying tons of goodies for it. A new commuter mug, new map book (back up to the Nav), new stuff to keep it clean (see all the car cleaning threads), Oh boy!!
just got a call from my dealer at DarCars silver spring, MD who told me my prius should arrive tomorrow or Wednesday. it was on the Pyxis Leader, of course.
My dealer had a date early on of delivery on June 29th in WV (from the Andromeda Leader shipment). I would think the rest of you will be mid next week at the latest.
I'm not going to buy anything for my Baby until it's in my driveway! I'm afraid to jinx it , so I will wait until that day comes. And when that day comes , I'm ready with a list of goodies to make my Baby feel like home.:cheer2:
espionage, let us know when you get a firm dealer delivery date . I haven't heard anything and mine was also on the Pyxis Leader. I'm about an hour west of Philly, so it can't be much further than MD.
i just picked up my car tonight! dealer called me at about 11am this morning and told me he was watching my car roll off the truck so i stopped by after work and picked it up.
I got to test drive my new car today and will be picking it up tomorrow at 1 pm. Package III. Only PIOs were wheel locks and carpeted mats. Saleslady says 'they are all coming in that way.' A friend was questioning my sanity when he found out I was looking at pictures of the cargo ship.