Put the EMP generator on the roof and line the rest of your car with metal like aluminum or lead and cage it in.
Yes it is a limit but there are also minimums. You can be ticketed if you are impeding the flow of traffic by driving to slow. Normally occurs on the freeway but have heard of people receiving this sort of ticket during rush hour traffic.
Pack heat .... I do and I am ready should something like this happens to me. But, best to stay calm and do not react. Just keep driving, get his plates and dial 911 and leave the area asap.
honestly, i would love to get a ticket for this. i just wanna be there when the cop doesn't show up for hearing and the judge tries to find the law where you can get a ticket for impeding traffic that is travelling faster than the speed limit.
They still haven't been able to find the guy. My guess is that the case will lie dormant for a few weeks until he does something stupid to someone else.
Got plates which according to the Sheriff matched our description of the vehicle, but the registered owner was obviously not the one driving the car, probably the kid's father or other older male relative. Don't know if anything will ever come of it at this point.
Well that's the solve violence with violence attitude. I prefer the no guns less problems. If he was waving a knife at the OP angrily, I doubt that would have provoked the same emotion.
Got my carry permit last week Now for the Glock G36 with night sites! Taking late night calls in Gary isn't as scary. NOTE: It's still a bit scary. And of course, I have no intention of ever needing to use the weapon. Just nice to be able to defend yourself.
Anyone know how to put a gun rack in a 2010 Prius? Intimidation factor! Two guns on the rack. One 12 gauge pump and one 30 06 pump w/scope. NRA sticker on bumper.
Read this article and thought of this thread. Motor Trend polls readers to find Top Five Motoring Annoyances — Autoblog