You can't be blamed for looking, especially when you didn't know. We have to appreciate beauty where we find it, right? Friend's kids are definitely off-limits, as are kid's friends. The not-less-than-half-your-age rule seems reasonable, too.
But that is nearly everyone! Rene' Yeah, something like that. Actually I hope size isn't really important but condition is another story.
training ... which is why the second cop was there, probably standing right behind the passenger door, hand on holster ... no? training. i've been pulled over a couple of times in my prius, for speeding, and let go. it goes something like this cop: license and registration please philo: here you go officer, license, registration and insurance ... all current cop: do you know why i'm pulling you over? philo: yessir. i was speeding. i was going too fast. i'm a little embarrassed, and a lot sorry cop: pardon me? philo: i was speeding and i'm really sorry cop: why ... uh, why were you speeding philo: well, i'm more than a little embarrassed, but these things really can get away from ya ... i don't know what to tell ya cop: do you have any warrants, is this your current address? philo: oh no sir, and yes, that is my address; again, i'm just really sorry, this is my first prius. i just don't know what else to say. cop: look, just slow it down philo: i'll do my best. thank you officer i leave