I wonder if one of the officers - possibly the one doing the talking - was training. If perhaps the part about being recorded is something they are supposed to say every time and since he was new to the force his partner is making him do all the formalities. There's a stretch of road near my work that is 25 mph. During lunch, not everyone obeys the limit. This is the stretch where the local police bring their rookies to practice pull-overs.
I'll bet there would be a lot fewer tickets issued for red light runners if everyone remembered from their driver's education training days that a yellow light means..."slow down and prepare to stop". Seems a lot of people see "yellow" as "speed up and get through the intersection before it turns red"... Are we really all in such a hurry??? Maybe we Prii owners need to see yellow as "Opportunity to generate electricity ahead..." or "Opportunity to manually set destination settings ahead..."
I am aware of all of this, the way I wrote my story was so it would sound good. I didn't make anything up in there, but I did see it through the funniest possible perspective. Update: I'm almost smiling about it now. Just a point to note, in both instances, I was driving in the way that most maximizes gas milage. Gas saving driving is not always safe or legal.
move to WA...here we have the same basic laws except that if turning right and plan to make an immediate left it is ok to pull immediately into the far left lane. we also have out of date archaic laws about when you can change lanes and how far from the intersection you have to be. they are not enforced since they were good laws back when the traffic and street density was 20% of what they are now. in many situations, it is impossible to abide by the letter of the law and still get to where you need to be.
standard safety procedure if two officers are in car. as far as why he stopped you. was he single? did he give you his card for "private" class on rules of the road?
I feel your pain. Been pulled over 3 times ... 2x for the same thing. On the road at 4am? Driving below the speed limit (P & G)? Well, you MUST be drunk, right? That's their assumption. Same stretch over the past 4 years. They let me go after explaining I'm on my way to my carpool spot, and then on to work. The last time? Oh, I was on my way to San Fran Bay area and a CHP pulled me over ... RIGHT after a dude BLEW by me EASILY doing 80mph. Rather than pinch the speeder (he said that he DID see him ... but he likes to "mix it up" now & then), he pulled me over for window tint ... too dark. Fixit ticket. Wow ... crime buster extrordinaire .
Busted...TWICE?!? I hate those gigantic 4x4 who think they need two lanes to make a simple right turn. In drivers ed, my teacher called this "fading". It's really dangerous and it damned well should be illegal. Why on earth do you think YOUR Prius, one of the thinnest cars on the road, needs two lanes to make any turn unless you are going too fast or cutting at the wrong angle. Cops don't often pull people over for entertainment. It's past time you learned to drive better. STAY IN YOUR LANE!!!
The one and only time I've been pulled over in a Prius was on a cross-country trek. I was guilty (though not as much as I would have been if I hadn't spotted him first around a corner and nailed the brakes) and fully prepared for my punishment. But I only got a warning. Thank you, Officer, Sir. Maybe the teddy bears should ride in the quarter windows all the time. My wife, on the other hand... Angry with me for coming home from a very long hike well after dark, she decreed that she would be driving home. (This is punishment? I could barely move, anyway.) So, not five minutes out of camp, she gets nailed for passing two cars on a double solid line, and doing about 40k over the limit while doing it. Tsk, tsk. Funny, the trip up was much quicker.
Same experience here -- 35 in a 45 zone, returning home from Barnes & Noble at 9:30 PM. On a 4-laner, where anyone could easily pass me. "Must be making a special attempt at driving carefully b/c he's drunk." .......... Get a life, Copper! Olivia, they just wanted to throw their weight around, thinking they could impress a cute chick.
Yeah, that translates to 40,000 metres per hour over the limit. I was pulled up on the Southeastern Freeway doing 110km/h after I passed an 80km/h sign for roadworks. The police officer only noticed this after I braked heavily for the 60km/h sign. I missed the 80km/h sign as I was passing someone who slowed down for no apparent reason! I got a warning. Anyone here like paperwork? Me either, I only issue a ticket if I think I need to. I suspect a lot of cops think the same way. Octavia, my first thought on reading your post was I'd pull you over to check you out.
Oh, oh, (slaps hand over mouth) :tape: I'm having a hard time keeping my mouth shut on this one. Oh to heck with it. Pat, this stop wouldn't involve any sort of search, would it? :blush: Bad! Bad Tom! Behave yourself. :evil: Tom