mitch 672, Thank you for the information Changing a little bit the subject , have you applied for the new "EV" plates that Mass. Dept of Motor Vehicle adopted yet?
Yes, already done, see this post on the thread...
People who park non-EVs in charger spots are probably thinking two things: a) to hell with those EV/bark-chewing environmentalists, and b) why should they get preferential treatment? I see people w/o handicapped placards or license plates parked in handicapped spots all the time at the grocery store. Having had knee surgery, I know how badly a handicapped person, or a person recovering from serious surgery, needs these spots, yet selfish people ignore the laws and park anyway. Unfortunately, there's not a thing you can do about this.
I made my own variation of the form on the website: Has a spot for handicapped and charger spots (my two pet peeves when it comes to parking).
Here are a couple of suggestions: How about putting their windshield wiper arms up. It's just annoying enough to get their attention. Carry a dry erase marker and writing a message on their windshield? No destruction, just sending them a message For repeat offenders, how about partially letting air out of their tires? Nothing to ruin the tires or put them in jeopardy, just enough to let them know that they were parked in a wrong spot. It will cost them time to fill them up. Can use any combo of the above!!!
Agreed. A simple phrase on the EV sign stating Tow if not EV would stop the infractions. We also need to take the time to notify the companies where the EV Charging signs were ignored or no one will be aware. Am going to tweet Walmart today. At Walmart-Lakewood the 2 EV charging parking spots in the middle of the general parking lot were taken by a regular car and truck.
A law already exists in California (AB 475), it just needs a sign posted with the correct legal verbage, and then needs enforcement... EVDL Archive / Forum Interface - Electric Vehicle Discussion List