You'll probably kill me for suggesting this now... But do you think it would look better with the circles done in alternating quarters instead of halves? It would make the points where the "gears" line up more obvious (as more boundries would increase the number of positions where this lineup occurs). It would also let you get away with half the animation frames, or the same number of frames with "smoother" motion. Just a random thought!
I already experimented with that. Greater detail made the animation quite a bit harder for the non-technical to understand. With less, they can actually follow the progress of a specific point through all 72 frames. So I bit the bullet, taking the time to assemble each one and accepting the fact that filesize will be much larger. It turned out to actually be pretty fun, watching the on-paper calculations come to life. By the way, here's Reverse to complete the collection...
About a week ago, before the rotate-copy-paste madness began, I wrote myself a comment on the PSD-Design document that said "missing reverse-engine". Needless to say, late & tired last night I had completely forgotten about it. This morning, you reminded me. That was bittersweet. Thankfully, I don't have to do "coasting", since that is already represented in the collection. Oh well. I'm done now. Here's all of them... . . . .
It's like.. magic eye. stare at it long enough and your head starts to explode! Good job though, it looks like that was a lot of work
The final revisions (which you may not be seeing here, depending on your browser settings) are now available. Just follow the new permanent link on the homepage of my website. 75, 100, 125, 150, 200, 400 pixel sizes are provided. Happy downloading.
nice job there... i find revers with engine to be the most.. uhh... how would i say.. hypnotizing? :blink: oooo interesting.... very interesting.. i'mg onna go look at it again.