I would say its possible those numbers could indeed overlap. By how much is impossible to say ,so I stand corrected. I should amend my observation to, up to 7% have been pressured . That brings up the possibilty of some scientists getting pressured from all three sources.Not a pretty picture.
I would hope few scientists today feel pressure, and some of the bad ol' people doing the pressuring have now felt some pressure to layoff. One of these pressure groups is Heartland, that seems to be more and more alone these days. Still we have an editorial with some facts and an author that likes Heartland. First the Fake consensus example That Scientific Global Warming Consensus...Not! - Forbes Note the stating of the scientific consensus for goverment action. I'm not sure anyone has taken this pole, but I also don't know why a scientist's on government spending is any more scientific than say a movie star or a plumber. Now what is the consensus? That their is climate change from ghg, and man is contributing to this. I find the above factually correct, but I would not hold Joe Bast or Heartland as unbiased observers. It does make more sense than the claimed consensus that Kerry claimed.