I refer to auto correct as auto wrong. It doesn't help that I broke one of my fingers a long time ago with a spiral fracture. It wasn't set right, and as I curl that finger it bends underneath the adjoining finger. So I can not play guitar hero at parties, and I always had a heck of a time trying not to drop change at the toll booth. Typing has always been a problem, I am always hitting caps lock when trying for "a". But it really annoys me when I type a legitimate - but uncommon - word and it continually changes it back to the more common, wrong word.
You can turn it off I believe? Depends on the phone? Weighing it all, I prefer auto-correct. It can be maddening, but trying to type on a wee phone screen with thumbs, I'll work with it.
The very first thing I do when I get a new phone is turn off the auto-wrong. Once I'm able to type what I want to type, then I can work on the other customizations. However, I do appreciate predictive typing. That's a different animal altogether.
Spelling is NO longer a "TESTED" subject. Teachers do not have the time to teach non-tested subjects. Penmanship or cursive?!? ... Are you kidding?!? ... Forget those ideas.
Nor grammar. It used to be if someone had lettuce stuck in their teeth, or a Q-tip left in their ear, it was ok to discreetly let them know about it. Same thing for grammar gaffes. Was listening to CBC radio; they had a lady on, for whom English was likely not her first language, discussing "women's rights". Every time she used the phrase she said "woman's rights". And it occurred to me: this is her daily occupation, she uses the phrase endlessly.