Prius's MPG is not accurate

Discussion in 'Gen 2 Prius Care, Maintenance and Troubleshooting' started by kallusin, Dec 30, 2007.

  1. Celtic Blue

    Celtic Blue New Member

    Aug 4, 2008
    2008 Prius
    Not really, but you 2-pip types don't pay much attention to such stuff as evidenced by Pat's comments earlier. I've seen others comment about getting roughly the same amount as I do at the flashing pip, and my car seems pretty ordinary.

    And why would that be? I've never run out of gas in a car with a working fuel gauge. (Old rusted out vehicles with dead senders from two decades ago don't really count--especially since they weren't my personal rides and were showing 1/4 tank...and both gave out about two miles later.) Seems more like it would be a mandatory accessory for you nervous Nellies who are terrified of the idea that you might run out of gas. :rolleyes:

    You aren't erring on the side of caution, that's what I've been pointing out. You have no idea how much is left in the tank at 2 pips if you've not gone below that. Sheesh, do I need to draw you a crayon picture on a Big Chief pad? Is it really that difficult?

    Here's a thought...if you aren't testing down in that range how do you know you have at least 2.5 gallons left? :brick:You don't.

    My wreckless abandon? Dude you need to pull your head out of your nice person and think this one through. My fill volumes are pretty normal for the flashing pip based on what I've seen others post.

    Wreckless abandon would be running with no indication (e.g. continuing to push it after the flashing pip)...or assuming that you have "at least 2.5 gallons" of gas below levels you even tested. :doh: You could be next up to join the "empty at 2-pips club." :p

    My reasoning is simple and logical for Prius' with the bladder. When convenient test in increments down to the flashing pip to establish what your approximate max fill volume is and that your gauge indicates roughly accurately across its range. If you want to fill at 2-pips, 3-pips, or 5-pips normally, that really doesn't matter. At least this way you will have some confidence that your gauge is reliable, and if necessary you have some range below your normal fill. That way you don't end up committing a really stupid move (running out in a situation you really can't afford to.) Additionally, if you do find out your gauge or bladder has a problem, it can be repaired on the dealer's dime, not yours.

    Since I've never run out of gas in my own vehicles doing as I describe (an AMC, two K-cars, 240, Accord, F-150, Tundra, Prius) I'm not exactly worried about it.
  2. JimboK

    JimboK One owner, low mileage

    May 1, 2006
    Chesterfield, VA
    2005 Prius
    Well, I had planned to continue rational debate on this, but I won't continue a discussion that deteriorates to this level. That it has is unfortunate and surprising; your posts in other threads always seemed civil and free of name-calling.
    1 person likes this.
  3. Celtic Blue

    Celtic Blue New Member

    Aug 4, 2008
    2008 Prius
    Actually, the first part you quote was not directed at anyone. It was pointing out that if someone runs out of gas, and then purposely runs the hybrid battery flat (as with restarts) then that would be a retarded thing to do.

    As for the second part, KK6PD merely elicted a response in kind. I took exception to his tone and his lies.
  4. KK6PD

    KK6PD _ . _ . / _ _ . _

    Mar 24, 2008
    Los Angeles Foothills
    Other Hybrid
    Look LITTLE BOY, when your parents feel you've grown up enough to let you draw with a pointed pencil and handle other sharp objects, maybe we will consider what you have to say valid. As you stated. "WHINE" I can only put 8.5 gal into my car. My pips are flashing..

    Get your car fixed!! The vast majority out here do not have your pips problem.

    And as for this....

    Sheesh pretty SMARMY down this low..I'm out of here
  5. Celtic Blue

    Celtic Blue New Member

    Aug 4, 2008
    2008 Prius

    Since your are overly concerned/ borderline hysterical when it comes to low fuel levels, you apparently have not noticed how gas gauges typically behave near the bottom end. You see, an analog gauge typically shows E at about 1/8th tank on the Japanese vehicles I've owned. Of course with those gauges the indication continues well below E...and the vehicle doesn't run out of gas short of its rated capacity (at least that has never happened to me.)

    Now with the Prius gauge as Evan has pointed out the flashing pip is going off at about 12% (if memory serves)...about an 1/8th of a tank. Of course, without special electronics we can't see the level indication down in that range. This essentially forces a fuel stop since there is no further indication--unlike the analog gauges I've had.

    No, from what I've read of other's postings about how much they get from their fills, I don't find my Prius unusual so far, within about a sigma of average from what I gather. Instead you demonstrate poor judgement suggesting that I take the car in for 8.5 gallon fills. While I would like to get in an honest 10 gallons across the range without any drama, I accept that the bladder and specifics of the digital gauge have so far made that impossible. So as long as my fill range doesn't trail off considerably lower, or the tank doesn't begin going dry before the flashing pip, I don't see a valid basis for maintenance. If it starts to give trouble, I'll take it in.

    Perhaps yours is the problem? Try running it down to the flashing pip...perhaps you will discover that yours is the one in need of recalibration or repair? :bounce:

    Oh, and for the record, I should have addressed this distortion of yours before: I didn't say I "maxed out at 8.5", I said 9.3 was the max I had put in so far and about 8.5 was normal. In light of your demonstrated problems with reading comprehension (and based on the fill volumes of others) I find your assertion that "the vast majority" don't get similar volumes to be an apparent fabrication.
  6. LWalshrnc

    LWalshrnc New Member

    Feb 26, 2010
    Cedar Park
    2007 Prius
    Re: Gas gage not accurate -- Toyota Support agrees

    When my tank initially shows 1 bar, I can still have about 2 or 3 gallons of fuel left in the bladder. This should mean I can travel about another 120 miles. I will go 80, but no further!

    I never know whether or not I can trust this and it is so frustrating.
    TWO things I would like on the PRIUS are:
    1. A trustworthy: Remaining MPG or fuel in bladder (but from what I've read don't think this is possible so I will continue to "pay attention"
    2. Adjustable seat height (by hand pump like Corolla). I am tall.

    I DO LOVE my Prius 2007 though despite one or both of my headlights going on and off when I'm driving at night and getting pulled over.... :rolleyes: