Well Bob, you will be missed. Even though there have been ups and downs, the community appreciates all that you've done. Drop by any time!
No more Toyota sponsored free trips to Detroit for you !!! :-P Who's going to keep the diesel fanboys on the straight & narrow ?!? .
No No No I've read many of your "technical posts/articles." And they were fantastic. I also called you "Bill" more than once. And you pretty much put up with it. And, I love reading about your trips with your dogs and hanging around the taverns. Finally, I've spent about five minutes here trying to just post this small note. You have to hang about. We all LOVE YOU <Bill> Kris
After examining some of Bob's more complex graphs, I often found myself "Bewitched, bothered, and bewildered"! But by Dog what a lot of info he crams into those charts. (Wait a minute, is it Bill after all?)
Until college, I was 'Robert' and then I learned that what my family and kin called me was somehow intimidating to others. So I adopted 'Bob' ... still didn't get laid. Bob Wilson
Count your blessings! I was called "Bobbie" as in "Greyfriars Bobbie" and had to struggle not to respond with "Woof!" I am so totally happy to have lived that down and now also be a "BOB" as only the COOL kids have palindromic names like Bob, Otto, Anna, Pip, etc.
My father-in-law's name is Richard ... (he's s retired Cold War/electrical engineer who during that time worked on the H bomb) Naturally everyone called him the very common nick name , 'Dick' . The irony is, being an electrical engineer, his last name is Watt. The thing is, you say his 2 names together & it just sounds wrong. During the Korean War, his army drill instructor got a lot of mileage out of that. What was his mother thinking?!? .
Over time, my technical posts will go where there are folks who share my interests. So this morning, I posted this: BMW i3 Forum • View topic - Argonne Labs Downloadable Data As I spend more time in other places, my participation here will be proportionally smaller. Bob Wilson
I used to read and post a lot on photo .net. My interests in scanning and gear dropped off, I kind of walked away. I still check in once in a while. "People come and go..." - Eno
Guys, Guys, Guys: The name does not matter. The attitude does. Anyway, I don't want to bog down in that. I just want a promise to hear about the dogs and the taverns..... KRIS --
I also appreciated Bob's more general environmental posts, and I think giving the older Prius to deserving folks was a grand thing to do,
To each their own. But given that Prius Chat is often much more than just Chatting about Prius, and given your years of experience.. AND..given that you STILL OWN A PRIUS...I think the decision is misguided. Of course if you want to participate less, you really don't need to present a reason.
I'm at 50:50 for Prius and BMW i3-REx postings. They don't have a 'Freds House of Politics' and the election is still four months away. As for man-made, global warming, thermometers speak louder than my humble posts. Bob Wilson