Danny, Nice to have you back! I did not realize how addicted to PriusChat I'd become! Plus... I have a lot of news
Danny: I know, somehat, the pain of what you went through this past weekend being in the computer and database business. I'm glad you were able to make it through relatively unscathed (though your therapist may have a differeing opinion). I must echo the thanks others have lavished upon you. This is a great site. Also thank you Evan for posting updates on PO. Just having regular updates was reasssuring.
Thanks for busting your :bootyshake: to get the site back up and running, Danny! We missed you!!! Hopefully, you're done , well, at least for the time being. :wink:
It should come as no surprise to you, Danny, you are the reason we are all here and are much appreciated for all your efforts. Wish we could have shared the burden over the weekend. Gary artytime:
Like everyone else, I'm glad to see PC back up and live. arty: Now I can get back to what I enjoy most. :computer: Danny elluded to his server "being naughty" by playing a role in a Denial of Service attack. In 2001, The Gibson Research Center was the target of a Denial of Service attack. Steve Gibson documented the entire thing, including how he found that it was orchestrated by a 13 year old kid. You can read about it here: http://www.grc.com/dos/grcdos.htm Sounds that PC might have been an unsuspecting partner in what's called a "reflected" Denial of Service attack. You can read about these at this page. http://www.grc.com/dos/drdos.htm If you choose to read these pages, I want to warn you up front: 1) The reading in lo-o-o-ng. 2) The reading is thick. 3) These things can be done using a standard installation of Windows XP Pro (and Microsoft knows it). 4) They can be created and done to anyone, anytime, and anywhere. 5) You will never look at the internet the same way again.
Wow! I found out how addicted I was to PC. I kept turning my computer on every couple of hours, then turning it off at soon as PC couldn't come up on the explorer. :mrgreen:
AAADddikked wwwhOO Saiiid IIII wassssasa aaaadiickckkkcded..... Thheeees ssssshhhhaekkes arreeeee slllloowweing nnooowww
Woo Woo Glad to see PriusChat back!!! What do We (yes the imperial we used by Kings Emperors and Doctors) know about the rats that did this and how does one go about putting them in a hurt locker. People like that need their come up'ens. I would like to help do something about this if it is possible. I will start by making a donation to PriusChat and PriusOnline who helped out. Is there anything practical all of us can do?
Hey Dan, Good show getting the system up and running again! I was worried about the same sort of thing on my integramod forum, so I put some "backup" (no pun intended) plans into effect. I've got my server set to auto-backup the entire integramod directory at midnight every night, and also to make a seperate backup version every week. Of course, my site is a lot smaller, and is only about ~65mb right now including all of the picture data, so it's pretty manageable. Basically just a small cron script that makes a gzipped TAR file of the entire directory, then I use WGET on a seperate system to automatically retrieve the server's file and store it (I only do that for the weekly backup, not the daily though). I don't know if you have full cron access and such on the PC server, but it might be an idea that you'd want to look-into. Let me know if you're interested. Dave.
Danny, its funny because someone started a thread about the merits of priuschat verses priusonline. (i didnt know there was a competition) well both sites have pluses and minuses and serve a very different set of people. there were many strong opinions about what was the right way to things, etc... but through it all, i have come to realize that priuschat is still much better and you are one of the biggest reasons why. thanks for putting in the sweat and i can assure you, i for one will always come back.
whew! i was away for a week and when i got back last night.. no priuschat! never realized how lost i'd feel without it! thanks Danny! ... and to whoever caused the problem: :guns:
Sort of like that ol' cliche that "you don't miss the water till the well runs dry." Did not realize how much information I get from Prius Chat and how much time I spend reading old posts and learning. Thanks Danny for a job well done.
Ah, so that's why I wasn't able to check out the site! Gave me a scare, you did! Thanks for taking all that trouble to get the site up again, Danny! /bow
Yay for PriusChat being back. Thanks for all the hard work Danny! Random thought... now that everyone realizes how much they like the site. How about more donations to the site.