I got one of the first v's that came off the trucks back in October, and I finally saw two on the roads in Northern, VA this week. Saw another white pearl in the local Costco parking lot in Leesburg, and a gray one in the parking lot at work. Both were v5's.
Prius v spotting? Ready for this - a taxi in San Diego. First and only one we have since since buying our own.
Besides my last week's in-the-wild sighting, I was at the dealer today for my 15K service, and asked the service guy what he thought of the new "v." He replied "We haven't even got one in yet, and maybe not for some time." I was stunned and told him they've been available for a couple months now. "No, none yet here," he asserted. Wow. When he came out to the show room to hunt me down to tell me that my car was finished, I and a salesman were leaning on a silver v, level 5 trim (demo), that had been in the place for a month or more. So do I report another sighting for myself, or two more sightings, including one for the service dept. guy?
I think I saw another one a couple of months ago but here in the land of luxury suv's and f-350's hybrids are a little less common. Alberta has the cheapest gas in Canada though so that could be another reason...
I bought my v5 as soon as they were available, in October. Not until yesterday did I see another one on the road... and then I saw a second one 5 minutes later. Odd.
Unless you pass us where we are one following the other. =). Wrong side of the country though. We do get odd looks at times. So far no sightings in these parts. W
Spotted my second Prius v on the road a few days ago. A Pearl White from New York visiting Ontario. He of course would have seen our brand new Prius v in Barcelona red. First sighting was on Christmas Eve when we left church.
I saw one in Jackson Heights, Queens, a couple of weeks ago being used as a yellow cab. It's the first and only one I've seen around here.
I've had my v since Dec. To date, have seen ONE other, a red one, on the road. I kind of like it this way!!!
I've had mine since Thanksgiving. I have seen only 2 others in the 4 months I've been driving it, a black one on the NJ Turnpike, and a gray one in Hoboken, NJ.
I just spotted the first Prius v taxi in New York City. I was driving around the upper west side in my Prius v yesterday when a Prius v taxi pulled up next to me. The driver gave me a thumbs up
FINALLY! I saw my first Prius v on the road today. It was Clear Sky Metallic. VERY sharp looking. It certainly turned my head! I've had my eyes peeled since it came out, and I live in the Boston area where you can't throw a stick without hitting a Prius, so I don't know why it's taken so long. I'm ready to get my own.
I've had mine for 4 1/2 months and have only seen three. One was in late October. This old fellow bought the very first one from our local Toyota dealer the day it arrived. The dealer had wanted to keep it on the showroom so, as a condition to selling it, the buyer was required to buy every option the dealer could add - tint, clear bra, alarm, etc. The second was PC peep "flarover." She came over to have mudflaps and side moldings installed. Haven't seen or heard from her since. Maybe I did a bad job and they fell off. The third was a family I met in a restaurant parking lot. They were fanatical about their vee. They'd meant to buy a new Highlander but fell in love with the higher-optioned and far less expensive vee. It was great to see so much enthusiasm. Still, that's not very many for 4 1/2 months of watching.
Here in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada, it is quite hard to see 'non-taxi v (NTV)'. I think I've seen NTV less than 5 or 6 times during a year. NTV is quite rare item here. But, there are lots of v taxi in the city of Edmonton, and it looks the numbers are getting rapidly increased. I see v taxi many times everyday with various colours.
My next door neighbors have a silver v (didn't ask me about mine before their purchase), and a lady around the corner has a blue one. I'll usually see at least one or two more a week driving around Atlanta. The Prius is not an uncommon car here--hatchbacks are everywhere!
As a new Prius owner, every time I see another Prius or at least a v I get giddy and want to see if they are modified, a true "Green" owner or just someone who is saving fuel. Most owners ive talked to are not "into" the cars they just drive them...weirdos. But on Spotting v's Ive seen a few dark blue ones with tint, and a Silver one with Fla plates and Tint in the Stafford Virginia Area....anyone on here?
Admittedly, I've only been looking for a couple of weeks. However, I'm surprised by how few v's I see on the roads. I've seen a grey one twice (possibly the same one) and a red one just yesterday.
Or it could have been the Sea Glass Pearl that I just bought. Looks like minty green or sea foam green or hospital green to me.