My wife gets the Prius V, our son gets her Very Nice 2005 Camry XLE, and I get to keep teh Sienna minivan he's been driving around for occasional hauling. Oh, and my daily driver is a 2008 Prius. We're a pretty solid Toyota family.
Even though you are on the other side of the Earth, it looks like our situations were pretty similar We had a Sienna (wife's daily drive) and 2005 Camry XLE v6 (mine). We replaced the Sienna with the Prius v. Now the Camry has become my wife's car and the Prius v is mine. The main reason is that she has a highway commute while mine is on slow side roads. We both get great milage after the new car came.
I left a 2011 Hyundai Santa Fe Limited at the Toyota dealership; they gave me a great trade-in price for a V5 which I drove off, never looking back at the bogus, fraudulent Santa Fe. My experience with Hyundai was by far the worst of any car manufacturer I've ever experienced. It was unmanagable on the highway, got 13 city and 19 highway, far below EPA and once we shook on the deal, all civility and respect from the dealership vanished. What a joy to now own a Prius - I kick myself in the head for the money wasted in not purchasing a Prius and buying that ugly boot-shaped behemoth Hyundai calls a wagon. And with the money saved on gas, I will pay for the differential in cost in 3 years.
Mercedes R350. Beautiful car, but 13mpg was annoying. Plus Mercedes out of warranty are expensive to keep.
2010 GMC Acadia. We love the Acadia except for the 13 MPG city. Gas mileage is the "only" reason we traded. The V is the only car that gives us tremendous gas mileage and the room to haul our dogs, equipment, supplies, & luggage for road trips. Now if only we could get delivery on it.
I wasn't familiar with it, had to Google a picture. Looks a lot like our Prius v's! I hope you love your new car as well as we do.
My brother's Prius v is replacing a Kia Rondo. He still wishes that the Prius v had a third row seat like the Kia Rondo and non-US Prius v's.
And to think I could have traded in my 2000 Camry and gotten a customer loyalty discount. But there must have been peyote in my bagel the day I walked into Hyundai and plunked down good money for a mediocre wagon at best. And to further demonstrate just how thick my head is, I was close to buying a Lexus CT 2000 at the time. Prius rules
Our new v, package five (no AT) replaced a 2006 Highlander hybrid with 145K. Concern about adapting from AWD to front wheel drive in snow country. Have a set of studded snow tires on a Tirerack wheel and tire package, but so far no real snow conditions here in western Colorado.
Yeah, a lot of neighbors didn't even notice we changed it. We loved the Benz, but we love the Prius as well.
We traded in a 2011 BMW 328i coupe that we leased and just putting too many miles on it and wasting alot of gas money. So happy with our PriV5, love all the features and the gas mileage is amazing! Nice ride on the highway too.
You should have bought an SRT-4 in the first place. Just as fast as an SRT-10 Viper and alot cheaper and 25MPG too. Then you could have kept it like I did mine. And then bought the Prius. Of course, everything I just said is all in good fun between fellow SRT fans, right Congrats on the Prius though, it's a very cool little spaceship.:welcome:
Replaced 1998 Corolla CE with PriusV5 last weekend. Corolla served me good for 13 years without any problems, but the time has come to move into modern car with better gas millage and comfort.
Picked up the V3 a couple days ago, traded in my 07 FJ Cruiser. Loving the V so far, 120 miles and the gas gauge hasn't budged, the FJ's gauge moved faster than hands on a clock.
Just replaced my 15 year old Nissan Sentra GXE (1996 model) for a Prius v Five (ATP) last Saturday. So far, enjoying most of the features of my car. Just wish I could make the display console keep the music screen up instead of going to the Fuel/Nav page.