Prius v. Hummer - and Prius knocks down the Humvee!

Discussion in 'Gen 2 Prius Main Forum' started by mostbucketgirl, Apr 28, 2004.

  1. Wolfman

    Wolfman New Member

    Nov 28, 2003
    Williston, ND.
    Other Hybrid
    Sorry Dave, but statements like this are nothing more than blind party hatred. The interpretation of this remark is that it's okay that algore killed the CAFE requirements as Bush would have screwed it up anyway.

    The fact is that Gore played his part. He's the one responsible for this action. If you are going to lay blame for governmental blunders, yoiu need to lay blame on the responsible party. Democrats are equally adept at screwing up everything they touch as Republicans are.

    Now, the reality of the $100,000 tax credit is, that it was created to spur spending by businesses on equipment needs, which in turn result in increased need for manufacturing of said goods. The ripple effect spreads from there. While SUV's make for great fodder, that tax credit is for ANY equipment purchased for business use. SUV's simply fall under that banner, as they can be, and are used in that manner. As such, even a fleet of Prii can be purchased for business use under that same tax law. You can pretty much bet that Budget or Enterprise, or whomever the rental car company was that ordered 50 Prii for their rental fleet, will be using that tax credit. If Dominoes wished to buy a fleet of Prii for pizza delivery, they can use the same tax credit.

    For those who abuse the tax credit. They had better be able to prove the business use in an audit. Otherwise they will end up paying far more than they ever saved exploiting the law. Large tax credits for micro businesses are serious audit flags.
  2. DaveinOlyWA

    DaveinOlyWA 3rd Time was Solariffic!!

    Apr 13, 2004
    South Puget Sound, WA
    2013 Nissan LEAF

    to qualify for the $100,000 tax cut, the vehicle must weigh 6,000 lbs+ so any fleet purchases of Prius' wouldn't qualify as a "business expense.

    and my opinions have nothing to do with political party slander. my disgust for the way Bush has run the country is at best only slightly less than my disgust for the way clinton ran the country.

    i didnt realize that the office of President of the United States was a platform to champion individual interests and that is all bush has done, championed his own interests.
  3. cybele

    cybele New Member

    Dec 5, 2003
    Los Angeles
    Um, no, Wolfman is right.

    The 6,000 lb exception is for taking the depreciation in one year ... you can buy a fleet of Prius under the same tax provision (which has been on the books for ages), but must write it off over a series of years, eventually arriving at the same amount of money.
  4. Wolfman

    Wolfman New Member

    Nov 28, 2003
    Williston, ND.
    Other Hybrid
    You are correct, it shouldn't be. Again, this has been done equally by both parties. The government is supposed to be here to represent US, and not just those who contribute to their campaign coffers.

    However, my statement was to not ignore the failing of one administration, just because another fouled something else up. Give credit where credit is due, without attention to party lines. You'll find no friend of the Bush administration with me either. However, the purpose of the tax credit is NOT to spur SUV sales. Other vehciles included in the over 6,000 pound rating also include medium and heavy duty trucks. If I was to start a trucking company, I could take the very same deduction on a Kenworth semi.

    At any rate, this has gotten way off topic to the subject of the post. We either need to let it get back on topic, or split the thread.