2Fas is something of a legend in this forum, and for good reason. So on this upcoming anniversary of his hitting 300k miles with his Prius Vagon, I want to retell the 2Fas/Prius story I find most impressive: His classic Prius was chugging along well enough, but 2Fas was tired of it. And who wouldn't be after over 500k miles ? Maybe he wanted to carry more stuff, or he decided to give his back a little luxury with a bigger car. So off to the the dealer he went, and bought his vagon. Here is the amazing part: he received $5,000 for his old car. Isn't that about what an average American car is worth after 100k miles ?
Agreed, truly amazing! I sold a Mitsubishi Lancer a few years ago with only 120k on the odometer for just under $5k.
2fas4u, 299999 odometer issue as in early 2gens? You have just been the first to discover this malfuncion...
CONGRATULATIONS Thanks for the support. Usbseawolf thanks for the pic uploads. UPDATE: Nothing to report after 302300 with the car other than a little oil burning. Again to all Thanks.
Any guesses on how far 2fas will take it? Maybe he can let us know his plans, assuming the oil burning issue doesn't get out of hand before his mileage goals.