I hate responding never the lest. 1. Search all u want these tires my friend on this prius are original, as a matter of fact I caught 2 flats and the plugs are still there. P.S. the place where I got them repaired also keeps track of your mileage. If I need to defend myself the reciepts should be in the glove box. Hope I dont have to. 2.Reason I change oil filter at 5000 cause I use synthetic an dont trust going 10000 on any oil filter. I did my first 10000 cause the engine was new. This engine has to last at least 600000 plus for my investment to pay off which is another 4 years of payments. 3. Brake pads are original. With my 2009 I never changed them and had 475000 or so.
Whoaa!!! I wasn't trying to question your posts. I read all pages of the tread almost six months ago and in my vague memory remember something about tires. I guess it was the flats you had. So, keep those receipts in the globe box. I stand corrected. Carry on....
I guess this kind of driving pattern will be good for any car. Even if you get a dodge something, you should be able to drive 500K no major issues?
Update 154510 1. Replaced pcv valve a disaster. It is directly behind intake manifold front center of motor. Under neath air canister/filter. Only way it can be done is fron under car. Tried removing air filter/canister no go. Remove front plastic snaps dont remove completely just fold plastic protector forward reach arm up I did not disconnect orange power supply cord , I worked around it best wishes.
Replaced spark plugs again best wishes. Had to remove front wiper blades, wiper blade assembly and the tray that sits above the engine cover .
I bought 4 quarts of atf ws because of time I am going to do it tomorrow. Tires are still original however I might just go ahead and replace them sometime next week.
Take a picture of the old ATF oil, so you know if it is too early or too late to change at this mileage. Post the picture here please.
Good move. Orange cable means "touch only if your name is Zeus, or you know your way around 400+ volt electricity."
Just checking in finally ordered 4 tires, getting them tomorrow, they started to develop a noise probably the tire is warped anyway went 160000 cant complain.
alright it's official bridgestone turanza el400 205 60 16 ended it's journey with 161609. I could have got maybe another 10000 from it oh well. brand new replacement 625.00 for 4. thats to much so i ended going with nexen cp641, I got with my last prius 93000 so i decided to give it a try. Out the door 398.00 I will check back after about 5000 to see what the mileage is. Also the bridgestones have a v rating, the nexen has a h rating. I dont plan on driving fast so i will let u know. UPDATE: 161615