4rpr15 It's great to have other new Prius owners from different car backgrounds. I was formerly a Honda owner (Civics and Fits) and Honda has a very active modder community. I still monitor their forums for ideas about my Prius, because they are enthusiasts. As far as the wheels go, on my Gen 3 Prius many owners bought a metal "knockout plug" at Lowes Home Improvement to cover the center hole. It matched perfectly and cost only $2 each instead of $15 like the Toyota caps. Maybe you can find something at a hardware store that will work.
Just a quick question; why did you trade so soon? Your '15 Persona couldn't have had too much mileage yet.
Despite the hit you took on depreciation? Okay, it's your money but that Persona was one fine looking car! It's not prudent for me to trade that often; need to bide my time awhile; almost at the 5 year mark with my '11 Two. Have driven a Two Eco and agree it drives and looks better, particularly inside but I've got to wait awhile; looking at maybe April of next year. Not even sure yet I'll do another Prius, looking at maybe a RAV-4 Hybrid or maybe even a lower trim Lincoln MKZ Hybrid, which would be a big chunk of change for me. Good luck, sir!
You're going to need that for all the mods you have planned. That's something I'd not do but I'm an old fart of 61. In my case, the car stays as I buy it. No mods for me but for many it's a hobby and I can see why some indulge in that. Sensing you're much younger than me too.