To save gas... Wow, you are my hero. If the 275 a month was going to cut into your porn budget, I'd suggest that the gas cost wasn't the problem, but probably the overall purchase price. I doubt you had the 875 per month for the payment if you even cared about the cost of the gas. So, congratulations on being a maryter for the cause, and you sure took one for the team. Or... that thing was so stinkin expensive that you couldn't swing it. It did make a better story the way you told it. I'm spending 550 a month on diesel for my superduty ford right now. In January, I'm supposed to make my move to a Prius if it comes in. I'm not going there to save gas, just cash...
Ya made a good decision for you and explained your justification in your initial post. Everyone is patting you on the back and congratulating you, and then you have to post this crap. How many people are you trying to offend at once? You made a good choice with your car, but you found a way to be a jerk too. Well done!
:lol: Expensive? Do you happen to know how CHEAP slightly used trucks are going for today? That '04 EXP. with 30K on the clock was like 13K... Which was NEGOTIABLE on top of that.
Oh for chrissakes, chill out man! Anything I say is going to offend someone, somewhere. So if I'm a jerk in your eyes for whatever my post may contain, SO BE IT.
Would you happen to own any product made in China, Tiawan, or any other nation where there's a good probability those goods where made in nothing less than sweat shops whose characteristics share more similarities with Auschwitz than anything else? h34r:
What that supposed to be offensive?...I didn't see it that way. It actually reaffirms those things I see in a typical day...
Who is that Lady in your avatar? it a random Prius wish? it kinda looks like Shannon Doherty from a distance, and without showing the awful acting skills....
I've no idea! I was poking around the internet looking for/trying to find, a pic. of some hot chick posing on a Prius. Didn't find anything right way, so I figured I'd go the "custom" route, and when I came across her pic, I thought, "Hmmm...very good....very good", inserted the text "Prius" onto her t-shirt, and shrunk the pic. h34r:
Hey you used the term "bloke"- I haven't heard that since I was in Au!! And I am one of the "bloke's" that own a Ford- I personally (and I will probably get yelled at from at least 1 person here) feel that Ford is the best American company around.... I had a horrific experience with GM, and Chrysler- don't get me started!! I know that any company- even TOYOTA - has a lemon- and has problems, and even if Ford has more problems than Toyota, I feel that their materials and overall product are of higher quality. B)
Squid, After sifting through this lengthy thread, I've concluded the ONLY reason you're getting a Prius, is to get chicks. Same as me, if I were your age Let us know how it works out, and how much it saves you in gas AND Escort Services.
I had hoped to upgrade from a 1991 Toyota 4Runner (23 mpg) to a RAV4 EV or a hybrid 4Runner. Toyota canceled the RAV4 EV program. The 4Runner hybrid equivalent, the Highlander, is bloated for power, not fuel economy (30 mpg at best) and costs almost $40k. While we may feel uncomfortable with Ford and GM land yachts, Toyota isn't doing much better. While Toyota is moving toward a whole hybrid fleet, we are missing the mark as far as fuel efficiency and air quality. The average person and auto dealer doesn't see the big or long-term picture, only short-term cost or profit. In my Prius I'm earning 60 mpg (warm weather) and 52 mpg (cold weather). We have a long way to go.
This reminds me of one of the best lessons I've learned in life: "Its not how much money you make, its how much you spend!" My wife and I have always tried to minimize our monthly expenses, no matter what our income has been, which has allowed us to travel alot, and have a nice standard of living. I HATE car payments, or any monthly, recurring bills for that matter. $20 here, $40 there, and there's nothing left at the end of the month. Hundreds of extra money saved on fuel each month is quite significant, enough to buy my wife and I a nice vacation somewhere.
I have to admit you have balls! admiting on Priuschat that you were about to go with the monster truck. Don't worry about your manly man image! your bulletbike will put some hair on your chest.