I'm an AARP 55 years of age, soon to be 56. In my early days the wife and I always had used cars. There seems to be more money available now for new and cool stuff. Aside: Most of the guys my age bracket at work are buying Harley Davidson motorcycles. They can afford them now. Is Harley Davidson becoming an old man's (woman's) bike?
I'm 62 with white hair, gray from early thirties (age, not 1930's). Can it be that I'm the eldest to sign in on this survey so far? Can it be that I'm 62?! I am happy to be driving a Driftwood Pearl car that is also green and I enjoy savings at the pump, but I bought the car because it is so high tech -- I love cool toys. As are many others, I'm anxiously waiting the arrival of my legendary Coastal E Tech Audio/Video Interface with some fun ideas for it's use. Assuming it finally arrives, will I still remember why I ordered it...? :? Most of our local Prius owners wave back to me, but waving is a part of driving in Hawaii: When someone backs off to let you merge into traffic; when you change lanes in front of someone -- it's a "thanks" or "sorry" or "you're welcome."
59 and what hair there is is 90o/o white. had my 05 since 1/31/05 no problems at all, averaging 46+, love the acceleration,not green, steak eater,love leather, bought this car because i like it and its a great way to say screw you to the oil co.
33 here. Everyone at work teases me about having an "old lady" car and I just smile and ask them how many MPG's they get. Mine is a Mil Silver '05 package #5 (Named Sparky) and I love it. Got it May 8th and already have 4000 miles on him.
Well I'm 46, oops-- just turned 47 today. Never actually considered buying a Prius. Was looking for a third car and was thinking a used Z4 BMW to go with my 740iL and our SUV. Went to the BMW dealer and was looking at the Z3's and Z4's and this little blue Prius was there. It was a 2002 in mint condition that only had 7,200 miles on it. They did not want this ugly duckling on their lot and made me a sweat deal to take it off their hands. My wife and daughter cannot believe that I love driving this thing and drive it more on the weekends than my 740. I find it to be addicting like a video game as I work to get the highest score (best mpg) possible. So far I have been averaging a little over 52 mpg.
55 here. Don't feel it most of the time. Bought it for environmental reasons, but sticking my tongue out at the oil companies too. This survey surprises me 'cause I just assumed the Prius would mainly attract the young techno guys. Got mine on Valentine's day after a 13 month wait. Sweet. I guess the reason the wait was so long was because I got the GY package, didn't want the additional bells & whistles. And surprisingly I haven't seen very many in my area, but I wave like crazy!
22 RIGHT HERE! On the way to work, I saw some guy in mid 30's driving a white Prii. And on the way back from work, I saw a woman (40's) driving the classic Prii. Yesterday in NJ, I saw another young guy (20's) driving a Prii with couple of chicks in it... I wish my Prii is filled with cute/hot chicks too... eventho I already have one ps. I NEVER got a wave :cussing:
44, though I've wanted one since I was 39. Live in Atlanta suburb. Father of 2 young girls. Starting to grey at the temples. I like hi-tek toys, love my roomba and tivo too. Play with lego mindstorms robot kit. Have printed out the prius electrical diagram and starting to review. Only other Prius driver I know is 55 year old woman. The 2 i've seen on the road are driven by 60-ish year old men. In my immediate area, there are no Prii on the roads.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(bigdaddy\";p=\"101731)</div> That's funny, I have a roomba and a RePlay TV and I love them too. I'll bet quite a few of us are techy types.
ambrothe is a year younger than me! 23. <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(sutherlin12\";p=\"101913)</div> Rooba's are SWEET! I leave a mess on the floor just so I can watch mine pick it up! I don't have a RePlayTV or Tivo, but I built my own DVR/PVR system that includes my XBox (modified) as my media center...
I've posted my age since I first joined this forum (see left) and I know I'm not the oldest . :roll: . little gray hair but than with nothing on the top it hardly changes colour.
I'm 23. I saw another Prius during lunch today and was so excited because they seem to be a rarity around here!
57 here! Driving my Driftwood Pearl model 6 since December. I got interested researching the Prius for my boyfriend, who was driving a 1965 Volvo! Now we both have a Prius, and love them.
My age is posted. I do have a Roomba and a double tuner PVR (Tivo type) and another PVR. But I have no use for MP3's. I consider my Prius to be a better car in most ways than my 1981 flagship Mercedes that I bought right off the truck. But then, the Camry XLE V-6 that I sold in order to buy the Prius was better than that Mercedes in all ways but the cage itself. I am doing nothing as best I can.
75, white hair and beard. Married 50 years and counting. Something you youngsters may not realize is that the seat backs give great support to aging backs. Tried out 26 cars at the auto show and the Prius is way above the rest in this area. Also ease of entry and exiting get an A++. 02 Silver Pkg. 4 Western New York
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(RetiredProf\";p=\"101976)</div> I too have an '02 and love it, but the seats don't even come close to comparing to those in my 7 series BMW. I took the Prius on a two hour highway drive and was very uncomfortable by the time the trip was done - never happens in the BMW. But we love the car and use it as mostly local transportation.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(kirbinster\";p=\"101982)</div> I too have an '02 and love it, but the seats don't even come close to comparing to those in my 7 series BMW. I took the Prius on a two hour highway drive and was very uncomfortable by the time the trip was done - never happens in the BMW. But we love the car and use it as mostly local transportation.[/b][/quote] You did not give your age which may disqualify you from speaking to the needs of RetiredProf and myself.