The Plus and Premium use a lightweight flexible cargo cover. Where you have sockets front & back for the retractable cover, we have "pins" for lack of a better word, to hook on the cover which does a little twist-fold like a collapsable windshield sun screen. We can remove those "pins" to install a retractable cover if we buy one, or, if you get the lightweight cover, you can also get pins to put in there to support it.
The sunshade cover is flimsy and cheap. It sounds like you have the good trunk covet, which I thought were not being installed any more. ???? Do all Primes have the better trunk cover? I have the Prius, Prime, Plus.
As mentioned by others, Plus and Premium trims have a lightweight flexible black nylon cargo cover. The Advanced trim came with hard retractable tonneau cover.
My advanced has a retractable flexible nylon tonneau cover. It is definitely just a piece of nylon that is retractable so not "hard." Looks like this: Retractable cargo cover- any pictures? anyone not using theirs?
Yeah, that's what I meant, a retractable flexible, but "harder" than the one that comes with Plus or Premium. The one that comes with Plus or Premium is very thin. I mean really thin like a black "pantyhose".
I often carry a spare fuel pump as I have had more fuel pump failures than flats in the last 20 years. Usually it takes only a bit longer to change than a flat tire, depending on the vehicle. Where should we take the 'spares' conversation?
I have a full sized spare, never used, if anyone wants to buy it. I'm in Virginia. Will throw in a plugged (fixed w/a plug) OEM tire for free. I sold my Prime to Carvana last summer and kept the spare in case I got a new Prime, but I ended up getting a Kia Niro PHEV.