My wife and I started calling our Prius the Mini-Minivan. Well cause that's what it is...a shrunk down minivan. But that's way to much so we've been calling it the Mini-Mini.
My 04 is at this time being known as Drifter, Partly due to its color and also to the fact that I will now being driving all over the country or at least to my 3 different parishes. Peace, Fr. Bill
8) 8) [font=Arial:0e2a582e1e]When I get one it will only have one name[/font:0e2a582e1e], :mrgreen: :mrgreen:
I finally decided to call mine "Snitch" after the golden snitch in the Harry Potter stories. It's golden, light and swift and was difficult to "catch". I even found a golden snitch antenna ball on e-bay. I'm such a nerd.
I decided on Belle from Beauty and the Beast. My present car is a Ford Explorer (aka The Beast). I will keep it to do the things it does well, driving on forest service roads for fishing and camping, driving in the snow when need, and puling our tent trailer. It has a 100k on it and I just could not afford a commuter car with kids in college etc. But now it is paid off I will be able to get a commuter car and have The Beast in semi retirement. Belle and The Beast it will be. When it will be who knows Henry Drygas
When approaching my car for the first time to take a look at it, a friend said "Oh, it has a cute little sporty butt!"...and indeed it does. "Fanny" is a good name.
Hunny. She's honey colored. I kept saying "Thank you, honey." when the nice Nav lady would tell me where my turns were. AND, when I first showed the car to my 93-year-old grandmother, she said "That's a real honey!" so it stuck. And she is.
Did people quit naming their cars after June '04? Will asking this question resurrect this thread? Just curious. My daughter hates when I refer to my Prius as "She". My good friend calls the car "Bubble Butt". I'm leaning toward calling it the "Orca" cause it's like that humu thing the Hawaiian guy was talking about. Then again the "Beast" is sitting idle on the side of the driveway since I got the Prius so "Beauty" would fit...
Hmm, haven't got a name yet. I have said it looks like a little blue envelope (I'm an outside sales rep for Valpak). Maybe you guys could make some suggestions. My husband has a red 05 Matrix and I have a Blue 07 Prius. They look really cute parked next to each other in the garage. Any suggestions for the pair?
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Prius Maximus @ May 27 2004, 07:49 PM) [snapback]19131[/snapback]</div> Same here, Sparky Jim
My wife originally thought "Ruby" was a good name based on her color alone. My 3-year-old calls it "Daddy's red car," and often adds "Toot Toot, Chugga Chugga." But you have to be familiar with the Wiggles kids' show to get that one. After nearly being hit by a Prius in a parking garage that sneaked up on me (ironincally just after reading news articles regarding complaints from blind people about hybrids), and my neighbor still making comments about not hearing me pull into my driveway, I want a license plate from that says... "Red October"
"Silver Surfer", because I like to "glide" in it... He was also one of the characters that I drew from comic books as a child, as well as Daredevil, the Hulk, and Spiderman.
I call it "The Prius" Wife calls it "Totoro" 10 year old calls it "Cool" 5 year old calls it "Lectric car"
"Ernestine Two" Inspired by LiliTomlin's 'Saturday Night Live' telephone operator character from years back. Sometimes, when I make a verbal request of the NAV lady, such as "Go Home" she will respond with a totally unrelated response like "Showing Service Station Icons" - in a manner not unlike Lili Tomlin's "Ernestine" character. At first, I was irritated, but soon began to review these strange answers as entertainment. Note: "Ernestine 'One'" was our 2004 Prius, traded last November for our 2007 Touring Edition Prius.
I went to my insurance agent with my recent purchase silver pine mica #2 and she said it looks like a moonbug? not really sure what a moonbug is but i think the name will stick
"Jules" ("Mutts" comic strip character; the similarity to units of energy was unintentional but appropriate, no?)