That sounds a little high. I use about $30 a month to drive my Volt about 850 miles--without gasoline.
The repairs are hard to say with the Prius being a low maint car. I would say they could be minimal , if someone is on top of preventive maint. Plus buying a older one, you can pay cash or little interest on a small loan.
Might be! It was just a wild guess. .11 cents a kw X 2.8 = about .30 to .45 cents a day X 30 I guess that would be more like $9.00 to $15.00 a month. Another guess. Thats if I charge once a day with sometimes a extra charge.
That seems very inexpensive when it comes to gas. Then you have purchase price to equate in. One good point as far as the propulsion for the car, there is few moving parts. Has any taxi or whomever logged any actual mileage on cars like yours yet?
Yea . . . Coal . . . . In fact - here's MY coal mine, right here: Meanwhile . . . lest we forget . . . the ELECTRICITY that runs your Gas/Diesel REFINERY .... I suppose that juice comes from the laughter of little children? .
Good for you Big Guy, you are an exception to rule. Yes I know there are other people obtaining power from solar and other ways. More power too you, don't be offended.
For the first 6-8 years at 10k miles a year driving, call it even. After that, the other hand has a car worth less and consumes more fuel. Or you can just consider the savings over the car's lifetime, like a person who actually cares about money should do: 250k miles, saving 4 cents a mile = $10,000 fuel savings. Remind me again which car is cheaper ? As for the Honda Fit, I personally would compare it to a Prius C.
Not really. Atkinson gas engine is almost as fuel efficient as diesel. Yet diesel is much heavier and requires turbo to produce decent power.
my prius c cost me just over 20k, I get amazing mpg. most of my trips are 2-4 miles and then the car sits and cools dowm. I still am able to get almost 60mpg average for the life of the car. this cas is so nice compaired to my dodge neon, or vw rabbit diesel I used to drive. my gas tank is only 9+ gal and that is plenty. IMO The fit is no prius. it looks just like a prius c and for 2k more I choose the prius c every time sounds like you think you know much more than you do! I don't think you know much about my motives or pockets. my car will pay for it self in less than 10 years in fuel savings.
Good point Xray about the gas savings and paying off the car. Also if you decide to sell car after X amount of miles, the resale value is high for a Prius.
I have owned many cars some used and a few new. it seems to me if I drive my car for 10 plus years it ends up making sence to me to buy new. I have done well on some of my used cars, and not so well on others. I figure if I purchase new I will likely not have mechanical issues for 10 years. I will drive less than 100k on the car for 10 years. hope your prius goes forever, I had a subaru once I bought used, and put another 220k on it. ran just fine when I traded it just used and leaked a little oil. by the way it had way less power than a prius
There are some places where diesel costs about $5.00 a gallon. It seems like that negates a lot of the benefits of getting better efficiency over gas. I know here gas is about $3.50/gallon and diesel is $4.90 a gallon. I'd take the Prius any day. It may be beneficial to get a diesel in a truck, but in a hybrid car, it just seems like an unnecessary expense. Plus, I am sure the Prius is much cleaner burning than the Benz with the diesel emissions.
I agree on a pickup it may make sence to get the diesel. I have owned a couple of diesel pickups. and a diesel rabbit, it seems to me that diesel cars work well if you drive long distance hwy trips. but with the high cost of diesel. and the extra expence that comes with a turbo diesel, I think the future will be in plug in hybrid/gas cars.
I paid quite a bit less than $30,000 for my PiP, I traded off a diesel, I'm allowed to fill up on on electricity at work and I offset charging at home by putting a lot of stuff on power strips that I can shut off when not in use. You can say that my fuel savings are going towards paying for the car. Am I happy, hell yes.
Don't place the C in the same league as the Yaris, Yaris is a fine car, but its not the Prius C. C is so much more car in every area.
Blasphemy! The Prius is still king. If you go up to someone on the street and say " Mercedes Benz e250 Blue Tech Sedan" do they even know what you're talking about? If you go up to almost anyone on the street and say "Prius"....everyone knows what you are talking about. Being a mass produced, and high volume, main stream seller makes The Prius STILL the reigning King. Until anyone...anyone...comes up with an affordable, accessible, main stream vehicle that even approaches the yearly sales numbers of Prius, then the King is still on the throne. Credit the Success of the KING for creating a lot of Princes and Knights in the kingdom of hybrids. But the King is not dead, and IMO nobody is really that close to the throne yet, IF you factor in Iconic recognizability, Main Stream ownership and sales, and real world useability and utility. Long Live The King!
It was this very article that caused me to cancel my subscription to this magazine. The test they ran was extremely biased toward highway and high speed driving which we all know will favor the MB diesel and work against the Prius hybrid. The flaw in the test is that it is not anywhere near a representative mix of low and high speed, city and highway, driving for most people. The test was designed to produce an unrealistic outcome in favor of the diesel that would allow them to write a sensationalistic article with an unbelievable title and sell more magazines. Total fabrication.
I know the C is engineered in the Prius way, which is great. I was just being silly. The C felt comfortable to sit in, plus I didn't feel as close to the dash as in my o6. I'm 6 ft tall.