Agreed filling up is nice, but rattling recycled plastic and noisy engine is something one can take only so long...Afterall it is just money...The car really does need more oomph and be able to take hills...There is no real reason a 1.8 petrol engine that is assisted by a torque filled electro motor can't do that quietly and smoothly...
I've found it to be more than adequate, but I also think that depends on your idea of adequate. I had spent 11 years in a 127 hp Civic with a 4spd auto. Unless it got into the higher revs, it was gutless, but I was used to it. My wife, who drove a 265 hp SUV and now a 258 hp SUV thinks my cars are just dangerous because they can't get out of their own way. She is used to a lot or power on demand. I'm used to planning my moves in traffic for how relatively slow my car is.
I agree, although I don't think it is that gutless that it is dangerous. I mean it most definitely goes when pushing it, however it will let you know it is making an effort. Don't get me wrong, I think it is more than adequate on most journeys but some hills it does get a bit tiring.
That horsepower difference sounds exactly what some of us experienced in the early 80's. Remember that shift from giant guzzlers to the eco boxes? That sure made people rethink how they drove. Fortunately now, the power is an overkill situation, where no where near that much is actually needed. So less isn't really losing anything. In fact, I routinely see individuals driving the more powerful vehicles who casually pull out into traffic at a much slower rate than you'd do in a Prius. They have it, but don't use it. As for the planning ahead, I wish more people did that. You see some changing lanes without seeing the slower moving car they just pulled in behind. It makes me wonder if there action to advance is nothing but instinct, where they don't give it any thought before they do it. That's like tailgating. In many cases, it doesn't accomplish anything. Prius raises awareness in many regards. Just think about how people don't know the factors that influence efficiency because their vehicle doesn't have a display showing MPG. For that matter, consider how small & crude the speedometer is being behind a steering wheel using close numbers and a large needle. The digital speedometer in Prius is a dramatic improvement.
Want gut less? Drive a mk1 VW Rabbit diesel.. 39whp of fury.. that car requires major planning while driving.. it is "fun" though cm_tenderloin ? 4
My oh my, our country's standard for 'gutless' and minimum power has bloated even faster than our waists and butts. The 88 hp Ford I acquired in the early 1980s was typical of its era, by no means gutless. After that, my 110 hp Accord 5sp (kept until I got a Prius) was positively spirited. And the 165 hp Subaru (still here) has more power than I need for any sane purpose. Those who believe the Prius is dangerously underpowered should look in the mirror and ask how they have changed over the past 25 years.
My father had one. We were going to the emergency room because my brother broke his arm. It was very windy and could not go over 35 mph on the highway. SCH-I535 ? 2
We're in a last gen Civic (auto) loaner right now (someone backed into the Prius in a parking lot). This gave me a new appreciation for the controlled, linear feel of the Prius gas pedal. The Civic's pedal is hard to modulate, feels sort of like driving a standard, comes off idle with a real pulse. Kind of irritating. That and the radiator fan cycling on/off incessantly...
Do you advise Av-gas? In my area there is no non-ethanol gas, at regular filling stations, has not been any on the market for over a decade.
Nope. That's all my Prius had ever used. Fuel isn't it. The feeling is the sensation & operation of not having any gears. The planetary CVT contributes heavily to the gutless assessment.
Yes, the Prius Gen II does kinda drone when it's climbing a steep hill, but really, this is no ordinary car. I've come to think of it as being as sophisticated as any Aviation Craft. Any aircraft climbing will increase thrust, and you'll hear those engines as you reach for the sky. Ditto with the futuristic Prius II (do not know about the III - yes, I'm aware I'm in the wrong forum - just giving my 2 cents worth). To me, level ground is "Cruise Speed" territory where both Prii and Modern Passenger Aircraft are in their element - cruising silently. Going up.....noisy thrust. Going downhill, gliding with throttles at idle in an aircraft, and our Prii switching to Regen, electrics or the savvy among us going for "The throttle controlled glide". Noisy drone at full thrust? Kinda normal to me - small price to pay for astounding MPG iPad ? HD
They made a follow-up commercial. The two guys fall for each other, truck guy leaves his wife and then buys a prius.
I'm not sure whether not having any gears is that, I mean our old Murano had a CVT i.e. gear less, as my powerboat ...Planetary could perhaps be a contributor....
Uhh... the Murano had a 245+ hp V6 engine, which is no slouch. I had an 02 Maxima (rated at 255 hp) and an 04 340Z (rated at 287 hp), which had the same engine...
Please include brakes that grabbed when wet and faded after 1 stop, "rollover and die" suspensions, head-basher dashboards, spear in the chest steering wheels, and no safety belts in your discussion of the Good Old Days! Car replies, "I think I can, I think I can!" And once over the hill, says, "I thought I could! I thought I could!" The Little Prius That Could
I did not notice a unsafe pass. they waited for the passing lane. I like that we are seeing more variety in hybrids. people will never know how nice they are until they start comparing cars. if they have hybrids to try many will buy them. and that is really the main thing
It seems pretty zippy at freeway, 65 mph speeds, especially in PWR mode. But, it's a little wheezy when accelerating from low speeds and climbing steep hills.
Coming from a 2000 RAV4 automatic to my 2012 prius is a treat ... As far as street racing 1/4 mike nope , as far as 0 to 60 nope But from stop light to stop light in PWR mode ....... This prius is no slouch
Well, geez, that look in the mirror was a real kick in the pants! Not just waistline and butt changes, but my hair turned white! But in the gutless contest, my 1960 SAAB 93B had a750cc two-cycle engine that sounded like a lawn mower and had about the same power. Come to think of it, the SAAB was shaped a bit like the Prius, too. And the original 1200cc Volkswagen Beetles were pretty anemic, also. On the plus side, we learned to shift gears, a lot! Your Prius can climb hills?? Jumpin Jehoshaphat ! Could you have yours teach mine?