I had a conversation with someone who told me once that he was not interested in hybrid vehicles, I asked him why and a few questions about hybrids to scan his intelligence about the subject. At the end of the conversation, I told him that he did not even know what the word hybrid means(he thought you need to constantly plug it). I told him that he would need to first understand anything in life before he can credibly say he does not like it, and is not a good idea to repeat stuff heard on radio and TV opinion shows. Some may have already seen this video! The Real Price of Gas: 15 a Gallon | Rolling Stone Politics | RS Politics Daily | Rolling Stone Writers and Editors on Political News
Ah, that's great. With high gas prices, the Prius only gains in popularity. But the Prius has shown impressive reliability – the 2008 model even more so than the 2010 model. Its Kelley Blue Book value is virtually the same as its original MSRP. (Original MSRP: $21,500 - $23,770) I remember shortly after buying my 2006, Consumer Reports came out with a critical issue, something about hybrids not worth the hype, and said hybrids weren't worth the extra money over a 5-year ownership period, although the Prius came closest of the hybrids available at the time. Later they amended a couple points (double charged something) and quietly changed their online version, which I think did put the Prius on the plus side, IIRC. Two things they didn't change: an estimated average gas price of $2.67 from 2006 to 2011 (3 years at $2/gallon, 1 year at $3/gallon, 1 year at $4/gallon). And a lower resale value than average for whatever unknown reason they felt they could justify. I knew at the time they wrong on that, but it's nice to see such a complete turn-around - now the Prius (2008 in particular) has the best resale value of any used car.
BEING? It already is. Some friends call me a Prius now, they the word itself as an insult. I actually think the tide is changing and as more of these are on the road it will lose its persona as a wimpy car for weak men. But there are already many references to it in tv shows or movies about how emasculating it is. Doesn't bother me because I'm not insecure about that I guess
it's funny. before the articles on the prius resale value came out i was looking at kelly blue book online. i thought the site was screwed up. after owning my prius for 1 1/2 years it said my retail value was a $1,000 more than what i paid for it.
Demented. I don't know who's paying that, but not me. It's why when we got a car last month it was our second new car. I wasn't paying $18k for a 2008 when a 2011 could be had for $22k, was just totally ridiculous. And I did shop around, used car prices are stupid right now. It says that "[an Altima] 2009 is valued between $18,000 to $23,000" USED! We bought a 2011 with V6 for $22,500! I've heard the prices are so whack now because with leases plummeting in 2008 there are so few coming off lease and filling the used car market. Some must be touting the used car mantra to a fault (I used to but only because it used to make sense).
HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!! I thought the bad reputation was coming from rattles and other stuff not gay/whimpy/geek car! :roll::car::bump2: HAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!!
Yeah, when I had mine for about a year and a half, to two years it was when gas went up to $5 a gallon around here. I got two unsolicited offers for more than I paid for it. There were people who were buying a Prius, then getting back on the waiting list at the dealer. When the new car came in 8-12 months later, they sold the first one for more than MSRP, and got a tax credit again. That worked for about 3 years. They were essentially getting the use of the car for a year or so for free.
This is the reputation or intelligence of some of us! Most Americans confused about plug-in hybrid, electric vehicles, survey says | SmartPlanet This is the reputation of the Prius!
Redemption comes in the form of high gas prices. You are redeemed every time one of the hypocrites driving a gas guzzling vehicle is heard complaining about paying $3 or $4 for gas, complaining about policy in the Middle East, complaining about greenhouse-related weather, complaining about smog, etc.
This is a fun little fact regarding the movie "The Other Guys". I went to see it with my girlfriend. After the movie ended, the first thing she said to me was "I so want to have a Prius!".
Yes, sales may be down, but you can't find a Prius in a new car lot around here. It is a supply-side problem, not a demand-side one.