And the kicker is that the Prius actually has a very good reputation as a car, in terms of reliability, maintenance costs, and of course, gas mileage. Everyone I talk to expresses some degree of envy when I show them the cool interior, the average MPG display, and so on and so forth...
Not since the thread of the pretty young lady with a stupid boyfriend that caused significant damage to her Prius (regulars to PC will know which thread I'm speaking of) have I read anything here on PC that was even half as funny as some of the comments here. The preoccupation with concern for how one is judged based upon the car they drive is beyond comprehension to me. Perhaps the OP can Tweet about his fear of driving a gay car. I'm sure he will find much more sympathy and useful feedback than found here from a group of well intentioned and enlightened individuals...
Olyprius's TOP 5 "unmanly" cars: 1) VW beetle (there is a freakin flower vase in the interior) 2) MiniVan (any model) 3) Mazda Miata convertible (feminine looking body, not muscular looking by any means) 4) Mini-Cooper convertible "I drive a mini cooper and I'm feeling super-duper" - Madonna 5) Station wagon (any model) * My rating system involves visualizing a professional UFC/MMA fighter stepping out of any one of these vehicles. *With the exception of the Prius V, although already defined a station wagon, IMHO it looks like a tall hatchback!
So, all of my friends that have seen The Good Guys, quote me this line from the movie: My response is always: "I like riding around in vagina's. Don't you?" Shut's them up every time! :rockon: --MXFanatic
Don't we all live on Earth? What does it matter what car we drive or what kind of cloth we wear or the sexual preference of our cars? Wait, cars have sex and they have preferences?
Some people's priorities are all screwed up. They actually think how other people perceive cars is more important than anything else.
I understand your point. I'm just surprised you're just now figuring that out. That's been a viewpoint of many people since the 2004 model came on the scene, certainly since I bought my car in 2006. Dunham's piece was recorded in 2008, for instance. Some of it is justified. The Prius doesn't have a particularly blistering 0-60 time, and it doesn't have masculine angles and aggressive styling. Nobody's going to confuse it with a Dodge Charger. But that just gives people another reason to not like Prius drivers (I've found it's usually generated from Republicans who aren't independent thinkers, not realizing that many fellow Republicans choose the Prius to keep petroleum dollars away from OPECistan and/or to save money). Regarding the gay issue, we might pretend to be beyond all that, but yes, in common usage 'gay' is not really a compliment. In Dunham's case, he wasn't using it as a slur, it's about actual gay people (he was driving a powder blue Prius, holding a Chihauhau, some kind of decorations in the car, and he spends a lot of time with dolls). His job is to play up to people's perspectives in a humorous way, not make them think hard or understand new concepts. But he does say he parked the Hummer (that he likes) on the lawn and told his kids to look at the new lawn ornament. So he plays both sides of that issue, like any good comedian. In the end it doesn't really matter. For many years the Prius was on a waiting list, even while being the butt of jokes. And now sales are down but that's because of the earthquake in Japan, otherwise sales would be sure to be increasing again.
My Ruby Sue is very comfortable with her gender identity. In fact, she agrees, it doesn't matter at all. Ruby Sue don't take her love to town, neither.
And you would care because? Come on....when I purchased my Prius over a year ago folks thought I had lost my mind. But I knew better and just kept driving her. Well gas has been $4.50/gallon and I have left others still at the pump as I pull off in my 60 mpg (that's rght) car. If they want to call it a gay car then go ahead because I will take my gay savings all the way to the bank.
I don't consider using this web site foolish. Maybe, you do? And I bought the car. Maybe, you didn't. I referenced two significant sources and asked a question which you consider BS. I don't care about what people think is gay it's an object not a person. I simply grew up in the seventies and saw stereotypes applied to other cars in movies and was asking if people thought it was happening to our cars. Why don't you comment on that instead of attacking people on the site. Sounds like I hit a nerve.
They're just jealous because you get 55 MPG and they can only dream about getting 30. I've found it tough to beat the EPA combined 26 MPG in my coupe. If I hit the highway for a long trip, it will get well over 30. I never got under 45 MPG in the 2nd gen Prius.
Couple of observations. 1. Not all hybrids get that great fuel economy, but the Prius and a few others do. The Prius is optimized for fuel economy. They did not just drop a hybrid powerplant into it....also credit the light weight, aerodynamics, and rolling resistance for the high mpgs. Therefore, the Prius looks unusual, leading to the 2nd point. 2. Prius haters are at least a little bit mental. Hatred is seldom if ever justified - generally suggests something wrong with the haters. It's just a car, albeit a very efficient one - stop attaching all kinds of socio-political, or sexual messages! There are Prius drivers of every imaginable background.
The few idiots dissing the Prius won't put a dent in sales anyway. The car is so efficient and practical, there is no way it will fade away. I don't know of any other car today that has equivalent front, rear and cargo room with same exterior dimensions as 3rd gen. There are some small compromises in forward view due to the very steeply raked windshield, but it's a decent view.
Or... Bad reputation among who? These few idiots in the media or wherever wouldn't buy the car anyway. Prius is for people who like an optimized car - optimum efficiency, optimum interior space, minimum carbon footprint, ...
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