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Prius is a "no sell" to most, why ???

Discussion in 'Gen 2 Prius Main Forum' started by dorf, Jan 3, 2009.

  1. jeffreykb

    jeffreykb Junior Member

    Mar 7, 2008
    Other Non-Hybrid
    Nice post...I agree. I especially like..."The truth is most people prefer the devil they know." The 500,000 mile prediction is yet to be proven...correct? Anyone know of a Prius with 500,000 miles? I heard about a classic with 280,000 miles without a battery pack failure...but an accident ended its life prematurely.
  2. hyo silver

    hyo silver Awaaaaay

    Mar 2, 2005
    off into the sunset
    2004 Prius
    Even if it weren't so reliable and great on gas, I think the Prius would still be a great car. The hatchback is very convenient, and the ride is smooth and comfortable. I find most people who dis the Prius really don't know what they're talking about. It's an education issue, not something wrong with the car.
  3. hill

    hill High Fiber Member

    Jun 23, 2005
    Montana & Nashville, TN
    2018 Chevy Volt
    This thread baffles me :p the poor Hummer dealers are loosing their dealerships, as GM drops the line, unable to find anyone who'd be willing to continue production ... and the dealer's lots are neck deep in 'em. The entire industry is soft . . . a "no sell" (actually meaning less sales), yet somehow this sales status equates "red flag" ~ because some don't want to buy a Prius? . . . or because "most" don't want to buy a Prius? Never mind "MOST" would never own a F150, or a Mitsubishi this or Volvo that. A "No sell" to "most" ?? Sheez, the poor car has only hit the market over the last decade, very little advertising, yet world wide sales are over a million, with another 6 figures is sales volume expected on the 2010 soon to be out. "Most" don't own an F150, or a Volvo, or a Vette, or a Harley. It would require over 50% of all transportation vehicle sales, before any piece of transportation wore a badge that brags, "Sells to Most". So please let me know what that vehicle is, when ever that event happens. Otherwise, "Prius is a 'no sell to most'" means . . . . what? I duno, maybe some are wrongly taking a meaningless factoid as something inflamitory, when it's really not?
  4. YoDaddyAlex

    YoDaddyAlex Member

    Dec 19, 2006
    2014 Prius
    Most people still ask me how often you plug it in. I blame toyota for not getting the word out about its technology, instead they just do flashy commercials and let the naysayers speak their bs without refuting
  5. wicastawakan

    wicastawakan New Member

    Dec 22, 2008
    2008 Prius
    I recently purchased my "new" Prius that had some miles on it although it is a 2008. I have to admit I'm in my 50's & certainly not mainstream america. I have kept tabs on the Prius since the first one rolled off the line & selling in Japan. I purchased it for several reasons besides being fascinated by the technology. It does indeed get good mileage & I'm averaging 50mpg over 4,000 mi. One of my first prerequisites was that my next vehicle would have to get good mileage, be very dependable & space utilization was paramount. I took a short test drive & didn't buy it until I drove it for a week-end & appx 400 miles, primarily highway.

    1. Good mileage
    2. Comfortable & pleasant to drive
    3. Hatchback was a huge plus

    OK, I am more used to something with more zip & considered a Viper or Vette, but two seats won't cut it. I was actually surprised at the acceleration, you just have to stick your foot in it to get it. Not the pushed into the seat acceleration, but good enough mph acceleration.

    At this time I have to assume the durability & reliability will be there. History indicates it is.

    The hatchback is very important to me as I'm always hauling stuff. I have a 4 wd extended cab that I can haul with & also have a stock trailer & 16' flatbed, but the room is still extremely important to me.

    I initially felt my vision was hindered or a bit difficult, but I got my mirrors set & quickly settled into feeling very comfortable driving in traffic, but I have an outstanding driving record & moniter & keep track of my surroundings. No complaints after the initial adjustment.

    I found the seat somewhat of the same nature, but once adjusted properly, very comfortable on long hauls. I had read some criticism & had some concerns. I have had several fairly sever lower back injuries & chronic problems, but have found I can drive several hours without any additional lumbar support.

    It is certainly not the plushist car I've ever driven, but certainly nice enough to get from point A to point B with no fuss. It is not the quietest car I've been in either, but not exactly noisy either. It doesn't boost one's ego with loud pipes or wild & exciting design. My first trip I had a 30mph wind at 330 degrees & it did very well, thank you. My mileage was in the lower 40's at 77 mph, but the entire tank ended up at 48mpg. It handled the wind very well & I was impressed.

    It is certainly not the vehicle for everyone, but I took a couple of my co-workers a ride & now two of them plan to buy one. One is the head of x-ray & one is the medical director. They were impressed & have said they are going to buy one. The seemed surprised & impressed.

    I read that a hybrid will cost $4,000 over a comparable vehicle that is not a hybrid. So this vehicle appeals to some & not others just like any other vehicle out there. All vehicles are expensive to own & operate but I anticipate this being an economical expenditure for me. So far I really like this car. I paid my money & got what I want. I'm happy.
  6. FL_Prius_Driver

    FL_Prius_Driver Senior Member

    Jun 17, 2007
    Tampa Bay
    2010 Prius

    ....and in some parts of the south, some have not gotten the word that the Civil War is over. I do not think the problem is inadequate commercials.
  7. edmcohen

    edmcohen Member

    Dec 31, 2008
    Newark DE
    Other Non-Hybrid
    I am a case in point. Until relatively recently I was put off by the radically different technology of the Prius. I was afraid of becoming the captive customer of the dealership, and feared that the battery could become a fatal issue when the car was no longer young. In time I learned that those fears were not borne out by owners' experience. But only recently did it dawn on me that the mechanical simplicity of the Prius--no friction coupling, no mechanical gear shifting, an ICE that does not have to work very hard--would make this just the sort of durable, "bullet proof" car I would like.

    In January, `06 I was in the market for a car because my trusty
    7th generation Honda Civic got rear-ended. Since those cars depreciate so slowly, I think the only economic way to buy one is new. So, I bought one of the first 8th generation Civic coupes. At that time, a Prius would have cost me about $7,000 more than the Civic. I could not see my way clear to do that.

    Now, in the bad economy, the period of low fuel prices, and the introduction of the Gen 3 Prius, I think I will be able to pick up a Gen 2 quite reasonably, while enjoying the deservedly high resale value of my still-current Civic. With the Gen 3 Prius, I foresee that scarcity, waiting lists and high prices will make it, strictly speaking, uneconomic for me, like in `06. What goes around comes around!
  8. Rokeby

    Rokeby Member

    Jan 21, 2008
    Ballamer, Merlin
    2008 Prius
    I think it is difficult to predict what the price of used Gen II Prii will be
    once the Gen III is on the market. I think it will be in strong demand
    despite there being the Honda Insight II also available.

    The Insight is smaller and has a lower MPG rating but will be going for
    about the price of a used Gen II. At least here on PC, the Prius is seen as
    a better car... YMMV.

    The Gen III (and Lexus hybrid) will be considerably more expensive --
    more than inflation and a few improvements to the Gen II anyway.

    I see a lot of folks getting into hybrids with a used Gen II as the economy
    strengthens and gas prices start their inevitable rise, which should hold
    the used Prii asking prices up.