Believe me, I feel your pain. You have all the best intentions to help, and are trying your best to do so, yet your efforts are not only unappreciated by the young chap, but worse still, being undone by repeated dollops of thoughtlessness. Been there, experienced that. Thankfully, it was a growing up phase, and stopped long ago. It did take a few courses at the "School of Hard Knocks" to cure the problem permanently. Hopefully, this is just a phase too. However, that "Bus Pass" is increasingly looking like a much needed cure, and an introduction to the real world for he who needs an overdue reality check. I acknowledge how difficult this is to do, when you're a parent or a guardian iPhone ?
Well said, @Data Daedalus. They do have minds of their own. My son was a financial profligate, running up credit cards to the limits on computer stuff. Then, after he was on his own and my wife and I were living in Honduras, he lost his job and landed in the hospital at the same time. Pretty tough on all of us, but now he's a big Dave Ramsey fan and really conservative with his money.
Congratulations! I have a late 2008 Tspirit (UK) in the exact same colour. They really stand out in that colour - especially in bright sunlight iPhone ?
I love me some Dave Ramsey! Would love to strap this young man down and force feed some Dave to him through his headphones for a while. Bad dog Prius! (Chuckle) New struts are in, although I am sore! Got the cheap ones probably from the same source as yours, off of eBay. The idea about marking the wiper locations beforehand with tape was helpful. Sounds & handles much better now. Was relieved when I then took it in to the shop and they were actually able to do the alignment. Young man completely wore out the LF tire while it was so severely out of line. Think I will let him address that himself now. Might order a cheap replacement hood and help him install it, after pulling off, checking, & straightening other parts best as we can. He may have to live with black primer. My main concern will be to ensure that any "crumple zone" or collision absorption features are restored.
I'll also soon turn my energy to the new-to-me, red '09, to tackle a non-responsive MFD. I've been able to get the touchscreen to respond a couple of times by holding my thumb down on it for a long time (probably like two full minutes or so), but otherwise it just lights up, looks pretty, and does nothing. Can't directly adjust my fan speed for the A/C. All I can do is adjust temp from the steering wheel. Watch for a separate thread on this. Hoping I don't have to send it off for repair, but will if I must. Mechanically & electrically, everything else is great on this one. A small dent in the RR door which I may decide to have fixed, and just a few other really small dings scattered around which just serve to help me not be so super uptight about the possibility that I might get a ding, ya know?
LOL! I've never actually done it because I don't buy new, but sometimes I wonder if it would be best to just give your perfect new car a smack with a hammer just to get it over with. Nah! I'm too much of a perfectionist.
I actually had a dealer when we were purchasing my wife's BMW X5 a couple of years ago suggest that, rather than me requiring them to fix the one ding that was on it, that it was better to leave it, so that I wouldn't have to worry about it getting a ding. Tried to convince me that most people preferred it that way. Surprised that he didn't try to charge me extra for the ding.
my dad used to rap me on the head with his knuckles when I did something really stupid. I can't say it helped much, but I did deserve it. I'm sure I'd be arrested today if that was my son.