What, no insurance in Texas? I expect insurance is super cheap in Texas due to the very low crime rate caused by the possibility of being shot by [ame="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Judge_Dredd"]Judge Dredd[/ame].
UK comics aside --- I'm not aware of any insurance product, anywhere in the U.S., at any price, intended to make the victims of murder/rape/serious body harm, whole again. While life insurance and medical insurance will cover these crimes, they don't serve as a replacement function similar to property insurance. Outside Texas, the justifications for shooting burglars are not based on the property damage and theft that may be committed. They are based on the frequent risks of serious bodily harm to the lawful occupants of the buildings. As for Texas, I believe it is the only State that was a sovereign nation before joining the U.S., and the only State to retain any form of right to revert to independent status. And they are not shy about flaunting the fact that they are 'different' than the rest of us.
Fuzzy1, let me add to Texas: Vermont and California were also independent nations before joining the US.
Insurance is great, and everyone should have it, but your premiums go up if you actually use it... I would prefer to hold someone at gunpoint, then fire a warning shot, and finally, if it comes down to them, shoot them; than to have to pay for their crime. I know that sounds funny, since outside of Texas, you would "pay" for that crime with jail time....but I digress. I live in a metropolitan area of 5 million people, and have never heard a gunshot here...the only guns I've seen are either in gunshops, at gun ranges, or on police officer's belts. Seems like the law does just fine.
My question was in relation to burglary, no one mentioned threats against persons. In particular it was in relation to car stealing or stealing from cars which are parked outside the home, perhaps on a driveway. Secondly, I sort of asked another question, is insurance super cheap in Texas due mainly to a high level of gun ownership resulting in a lower than average crime rate?
In most of the U.S., burglary of occupied residences is associated with a significant risk of personal injury. You don't have to mention threats to persons, it is inherently part of the issue. The majority burglars, who intend no such harm, very strongly bias their crimes to unoccupied residences, typically during daytime workweek hours. Most face-to-face resident-burglar encounters are not with this set of criminals. Oxymoron. In the U.S., this is not burglary. Car prowl, auto theft, grand larceny, etc., yes. But not burglary. I can't answer for Texas, but wouldn't be surprised if few of them even bother. Insurance coverage specifically for crime falls under property, not personal injury. Outside Texas, nearly all of us are not permitted to shoot to protect mere property.
I guess there are haters in both side... Just driving this morning to work. Was chilling at a light. I saw a car turning right waiting for traffic to go by. Then behind that car comes a prius. That prius driver was honking at the car in front of him rushing him to turn. Now I know that's not hating. But from my point of view it makes prius drivers look like asshats. Couple of days ago, at a parking lot... someone was getting out of the parking space. And a car was waiting for that car to get out so he can park. What's behind that car waiting? A prius and a dumb driver. He gets impatient and tries to go around the car waiting. At the same time almost hitting the car leaving the parking space (the car was half way backing out)... And of course honks were exchanged. Prius driver honking at the car backing out and doing some kind of mad hand signals at the car driving out. Hmm, I know there are great patience prius drivers out there... But seeing impatience people like these make us look bad. I've seen lots of prius out there thinking they either have right of way or think they're all that cause they simply drive a prius. Not hating, but these people needs to be slapped on the wrist lol.
Speaking of haters, I saw this somewhere and had a good laugh: "For every gallon of gas saved by a Prius, 3 gallons are wasted by everyone else slowing, waiting, and getting around said Prius."
Well, it happened to me today and it was either Prius or Toyota hate. I was driving slowly in traffic, maybe 20 mph, and there was a line of cars in the left turn lane immediately to my left. As I passed one of the cars, I was given a very emphatic single finger salute through the windshield of the other car. The other driver was oncoming traffic so there was no way I cut him off or did anything else to him. Now, I am in the metro Detroit area so this isn't really a surprise. A quick read of some of the message boards of the local papers will leave one shaking their head. There are some around here who can't wait for us to return to 1957 when Detroit owned the car market. They are scratching their heads trying to figure what is taking the UAW so long to "fix" things. If they had the ability, they'd completely ban the sale of anything in the United States that is not GM, Ford, or Chrysler.
Granted, some roadside rudeness is not directed at a Prius, but take a look at the media and forums with the Prius negativity - have you heard so much vitrol directed at any car ever? Maybe the Hummer, but it's dying. They have been going at it for ten years and STILL reporters question if buyers can recoup the "hybrid premium" - still do. Some still believe myths like the Sudbury nickel plant and Spinella's Dust to Dust "study" -t's a convient lie to paraphrase Al Gore.Then there is the EMF hazard some flame about - from their monitor. The shock hazards and Top Gear literally shooting up a Prius I on an episode. And if you drive one you MUST be a socialist....did Toyota consult Leonardo DiCaprio and Stephen Spielberg to socially engineer the Prius - like Toyota is that brilliant? I think the Prius story is 15 years ago, they thought GM was serious about the EV1 and rushed to respond. I'm not necessarily joking by suggesting Prius hatred be classified as a mental disorder.
I've personally been the victim of this one...a client who knows my political beliefs well commented that she was shocked that a REPUBLICAN would drive a PRIUS!! My answer to her was simple. Why would a Republican have a problem with polluting less and getting fantastic gas mileage? I like cleaning up after myself...my problem lies with government involvement and interference in that process. Chuck P.S. Anyone make a gun rack for a Prius? I've not been able to find one.
Did I tell mention being reported shape-shifting into Che Guvarra smoking pot as I got into my car? Kidding, but I see so much grade school drivel like this on forums and talk shows a few probably believe getting into a Prius causes shape-shifting. Thirty years ago, the GOP seriously attempted to sell to minorities and the blue collar people sensible limited government....those same people are now called RINOs unless it's the one named Ronald Reagan. The assine political stereotyping of Prius drives is one example of polarizing groupnonthink that will lose elections for the GOP.
That's funny, because when I pull into my local Whole Foods for my vanilla hemp latte, all the lefties think I'm one of them, and they tell me all their dirty little lefty secrets ... and RINO's ain't Republicans, they're Democrats. There's nothing wrong with Democrats, 'cept they shouldn't be calling themselves Republicans, and the RNC shouldn't be supporting their campaigns, but rather finding appropriately respectable conservative candidates. I don't care if they're gay or straight, couldn't care a drop if they're Christian or Muslim, Black, White or something in between, so long as they uphold conservative ideals and principles and uphold the letter of the Constitution ... and I don't give a rat's nice person who's foot they tap in an airport head, or who's wife they're banging, whether it's their own, someone else's, or what side of the aisle she sits on if the GOP loses, it's because their candidate was inferior to the opponent candidate, and failed to galvanize the support of the base by failing to honestly and effectively articulate a truly conservative platform I hope next GOP Presidential candidate drives a Prius, and I hope the next Democratic candidate drives one as well.
That happens in rural communities too. I think I'm the only Prius around sporting a Farm Bureau Member sticker. lol
Just for clarification, I've voted GOP in general elections 1976-2008....that hardly sound like RINO. My point is you win elections with 51% of the vote - preferably more. Reagan understood that and reached out beyond the traditional GOP base and distanced himself from the Rush Limbaughs of his day. He did not get into personal attacks and scorched earth policies, or silly nonsense like driving a particular car MAKE you vote a particular way. Reagan understood trashing an opponent did not get you far - you had to SELL your ideas - have a vision. The sooner the GOP returns to that and marginalizes the influence of talk shows defining them - the sooner they return to power.
Hahaha. This is great... I am a registered Republican. Why did I buy the Prius? Because I could afford it and the immigrants can't!!! KIDDING. Although I AM a Republican, the Prius gets great mileage and saves the environment. This should not be a left or right issue, and I for one, am disappointed with how the GOP has been handling the climate crisis lately. Oh and I, too, hate the stereotypes, cause everybody in the Bay Area thinks I'm a bleeding heart liberal. That's my $.02.