I misread that as "from a bicyclist". If that had been the case, I would have been really very impressed.
Ive seen the hate on #prius on instagram now and then. but in reality, I have never really encountered anything. As a previous Jeep owner, I still drive the same and still get the same angry driver experience. The best is when they try to pass you on the right, then get stuck and you still pass them.
....and haters. Some of it is haters don't understand, but there is something else. When hating really gets shrill, it's probably not for a good reason....someone feels threatened or owned.
Where I used to live last month, I had actual physical danger from driving a Prius so it's not just a joke on facebook. I'd have trucks really try and run me off the road on highways and surface roads. That was in queen creek and San tan valley az. Highway was 202.
The rolling coalers (as they liked to be called) think its real cool to soot out others. Except when it comes to an unmarked police car. Then the coalers have no excuse when handed a ticket by the police. Also these rolling coalers also whine that they are only getting 8 - 13 mpg on the highway! My response to them is: "you really need some cheese" , they respond: "cheese?" I respond back: "yep, ..... to go with the WHINE!" That shuts them up. They don't have any response to that. In addition to driving my Prius as a DD, I also have a diesel pickup for my camper hauling and trailer towing. I do not have any need to put a "chip" on the truck for power. The truck runs pretty bone stock, its' not "lifted", nor has oversized (stupid IMHO) tires. The truck has its uses, BUT, my beloved Prius does the majority of the commuting for daily use. DBCassidy
Yup, a truck abiding by the speed limit, keeping a good space to smooth out the slow downs, stick with them.
My wife nearly had to cash in my life insurance policy yesterday.... So yesterday I was merging onto I95 (very long ramp and gradual merge) and on this section the speed limit was 55 and clearly posted. The ramp and merge was very long and gradual with a good view of traffic, so I signaled and merged into the far right lane. I could see a Semi in the distance behind me but I gauged it to be a few hundred yards back in the same lane but it was obvious he was WAY over the speed limit and gaining quick. I accelerate to 65, eventually the Semi is on my tail, I'm talking feet maybe inches from me laying on his mega horn!!! I'm already in the far right slow speed lane going 10 over, so to alleviate any further mayhem I signal and merge into the center lane to let Mr. Meth head trucker pass me in the slow lane.... So the asshat gets half way past me but promptly decides to whip his huge Semi into the center lane that I am in. If I didn't jam the brakes and jerk the wheel to the left as far as I could in my lane (car in far left lane) I would have probably been a statistic yesterday. I was honestly inches from the mid point of his trailer and his sets of wheels!!! It was very scary and no I had no time to get his tag or anything as he whipped back into the right lane and took the next exit all the while giving me the double bird salute. So not sure if he was just your run of the mill nutcase / methed out truck driver or if this was a case of Prius Hatred. This was a first for me in the new prius, someone intentionally trying to wreck into me or make me wreck. Wish I had a dashcam..
Yeah that's true, but I was busy crapping my pants and having a mini heart attack at the same time all the while trying to maintain my lane. Do people just leave the dashcams on the whole drive or only turn them on when they think they might need it? Granted how would you know when you would need it so that's kinda silly...
I think they're akin to seat belts, left on all the time you're moving. I'm not that knowledable, don't have one, but seems a good idea: they write to a card in short packets of time, say a new file every 10 minutes, and when the card is full it starts overwriting, the oldest first. Some even have an impact detection, that'll write a fresh segment for just the minute or so prior to collision. Overkill and more complexity, though. So you're pretty much covered, even with the simple ones. Front AND rear cameras are likely the way to go. Some interesting wiring tips here: Power for dashcam or radar detector | PriusChat
It runs all the time the car is running. Get one with a GPS built-in. If you are concerned about content, they allow you to set an access password. However, who would ever hear your famous 'last words?' Bob Wilson
I remember one of the worst series of flaming attacks directed at me on this forum (and I have been through a few) was when I stated that for the most part Prius drivers drove 10-15 mph under the speed limit (in ideal conditions), braked for houseflies and otherwise clogged traffic. I have passed them many times on my BICYCLE. I still feel that way...., but it seems in the last couple of years that possibly things have changed with those piloting Prius vehicles, because the Prius "granny" syndrome does not seem to be so much in evidence.
If someone drives/merges at or below the speed limit and every one else is going faster...that person is the problem child. Being righteous or getting the best mpg does not substitute for safety.