above pictures is when the prius come's to live. and when it dont like someone getting in from behind.
Could be worse. We could be driving Citroen C4s. How embarrassing would be it to have to sit on the curb while your car comes alive?
Seriously, this happened to me last week in the Jewel(grocery store) parking lot: Even though I check to see when I close the hatch that the kids are clear, my 6 year old swings his arm from behind me right towards the hatch opening as its closing, hatch slams down, and all I see is an arm next to the closed hatch with no hand... exactly like this picture. His hand was folded inside the sleeve of his winter coat. I think my heart stopped when it happened. Both boys got a lecture about staying clear of the hatch on the car. [joke mode on] To prevent this from happening again, Toyota needs to recall the Gen II Prius' to add a nearby limb and bird alert system that prevents the door from closing when anything flies into nearby range. Perhaps NHTSB could recall all Toyotas as any door has this potential, certainly State Farm or some other insurance company could show the stats to prove this. Of course, other car makers could quietly notify their owners to bring their car in for this same safety upgrade, while Toyota gets another beating in the press.[joke mode off] (I didn't promise it was a GOOD joke)
I have a *REAL* problem with the rear hatch. In the thick of winter, sub-zero temps, the hatch doesn't open fully - like it does in the summer. However !!! It open just enough so that the bottom clears my head...except for the metal latch. In a true head-banging moment, when I reach into the car to pick up my plastic bags, my forehead SMACKS the metal latch. This is a serious safety issue Toyota should address, as most North Americans are taller than 5' 10" !!!!!!! Sheesh !
I took my 2004 Prius a few months ago for something like that as my hatch would sometimes even go back down. Fortunately, it did exactly that and went down slowly at the dealer. They asked, well what's wrong, and I explained that after the hatch goes up, it should not start to fall down on its own. I used the words "safety issue for me and my kids". They took it in and the extended warranty covered everything. Works fine now, although not super fast as it did for those first few years. My guess is they only replaced one side only.
I just want to interrupt this thread to say Evan that I approve of the jersey your son is wearing. Even if right now its still very painful. :angry:
Still laughing, but ... My 1st paint 'nick' was last week in a parking garage, and I didn't think to look up at the beam that was about 18" lower than the ceiling. Used a black felt pen to cover the small spot on my 6 week old G3. Bart in SoCAL
I just found another safety concern, and I believe Toyota needs to issue another recall IMMEDIATELY, or god help me I'll go to CNN, Fox News, and MSNBC!!! I can manipulate the problem under certain exact conditions...I sent footage to Toyota and have not heard back from them...do they not even care!!! It appears that if I lie under the car and my wife presses on the gas pedal from within the car while its turned on, the wheels could crush me! I researched this online, and it appears that being crushed by too much weight could cause severe injury, death, or even irritable bowel syndrome! WHAT IF A MIGRATORY BIRD WAS UNDER THERE??? Why do they sit around and do nothing! Do they not care about our safety!!!
I think I see your problem. There appears to be a cat in your way. If you shoo the cat out of the way, you will then be free to lie half under the car while your Significant Other floors the throttle while in R. This should solve your safety issue.
You know, I also think there is a fuel delivery problem with the Prius. I mean 45 to 50 miles to the gallon??????? There has to be an issue with the filter or fuel pump or maybe the computer itself. This has caused my engine to stop running when at a full stop. MY GOD!!!! This could cause me to open my car door, trip over my floor mat and fall out into the street and get hit by a Forest/Park ranger driving by while a rare red taled hawk flies into my car because I'm laying on the ground after being hit by the park ranger who now stops and arrests me for having a wild animal in my car. All this because my engine stops because there is a fuel delivery issue. The hatch issue is also a majoe cause for concern. I mean, if it does pop open while hypermiling will it cause me to get worse fuel miliage?
I had to put my trunk monkey up for adoption- cost a fortune in diapers...and fuel economy was down - because of weight of bananas- which in turn were causing need for so many dipaers
I just got back from my chemo appointment and you guys just made my day that much brighter! Thanks for the laughs.
That would fall under the Migratory Bird Treaty Act of 1918 and the following specific sections: Sections: 703 - Taking, killing, or possessing migratory birds unlawfully (when they get caught inside the car due to the oversized hatch!) 705 - Transportation or importation of migratory birds; when unlawful (and when caught in your tire's tread) Red-tailed hawks (Buteo jamaicensis) fall under the MBTA as well. You'd be so in trouble!
Opening the rear hatch also causes the reverse camera to point to the sky, making it difficult to see the kid you're backing over. But it's great for watching those migratory birds come swooping down!
If the hatch didn't open as high as it does, I would certainly crack my forehead on the edge of the hatchback gate. I am thankful that it opens as high as it does.
when i got my 2010 flashed tuesday, the guy in front of me had a 2008, he lobbied hard to get the flash done on his car and would have persisted had i not told him that since the two models dont look the same, what made him think that the software was interchangeable? that pretty much shut him up i hope you have realized by now that you have become a target for Al Quaida for exposing there next terrorist attack using the explosion hazards disguised as tires!! another software fix to adjust the aim of the camera!!! the lives of your children depend on you getting this done ASAP!!! why are you STILL reading this?? get your keys and go!!
I thought driving with the hatch up was a homemade solution to the sudden acceleration issue, due to the increased wind resistance. Tough to suddenly accelerate with it up. I think it's a "feature" rather than a "flaw".