Prius got clipped

Discussion in 'Gen 3 Prius Main Forum' started by MjThind, Jul 8, 2016.

  1. yeldogt

    yeldogt Active Member

    Jan 20, 2012
    2011 Prius
    Heath insurance is not designed to cover "trauma" -- many items one needs after a serious auto injury will not be covered to the extent needed under a health insurance policy (don't take this option to save a couple dollars) .. additionally .. auto will cover outside services ... (help around the house that you can not perform) .. as well as income continuation (based on coverage bought). It will pay to get you to an appointment if you can not drive.

    Uninsured/ Underinsured -- is very important. Some states separate the two -- you need to buy both. Some states separate them again -- property and BI. A few make it even more complicated. I was in an accident many years ago -- kid ran a red light. Kid had state minimum insurance 15/30. Totaled my two week old car. I hurt my leg -- broke two teeth. I was fully insured with a lot of coverage -everything was taken care of by my insurance company. But ....what about any pain and suffering damages? (Teeth/ permeant damage/ had PT for 4 months).? Loss of use ( I was out of action for a while). This was an easy 50k settlement -- he had 15k of insurance. I started a lawsuit (one letter) -- engaged both insurance companies - both agreed 50k was fair. My insurance company paid me 35k under my underinsured policy and the other company paid me 15k. In this situation the BI is primary to me -- so my insurance company did not recover anything for the total loss of my new SAAB.

    Most people purchase insurance based on all the wrong parameters. Getting free glass coverage -- or accident forgiveness is marketing. You want good coverage with a good company -- that way when bad stuff happens you are covered. Get higher deductibles and bank the savings (to cover the higher limit) -- get everything with one company.
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