At least Tribbles aren't endangered, except around here, where they are very uncommon. Jayman didn't mention sheep, so you can be thankful for that. Tom
I came across this link on Wikipedia: Toyota Prius EMF:
Calling people names doesn't invalidate that they did post the magazine article where EMF levels of other cars was actually collected. Data (even if its shoddy, as long as you know the parameters) always supercedes rhetoric. Interestingly, the Volvo S60 and S80 appear to have high EMF levels throughout the car.
True, but having a history of being a nut does cast suspicion on the quality of the study and data. Tom
What's a "tribble"? Is it like, "I had a tribble time trying to find a park at the shops today, all the spaces were full."
Yeah but it was a separate French car magazine that did the testing? Yay for guilt by repost. :facepalm:
To elaborate more, see Tribble - Memory Alpha, the Star Trek Wiki. Their first appearance in Star Trek was in the TOS ep The Trouble with Tribbles (episode) - Memory Alpha, the Star Trek Wiki. Watch that one first.
Hiya, FOTodd: I'm interested in the same things you are about this. Maybe you'd like to drop me a note so we can communicate about this? I'm now conducting my own tests on the Prius. I do find there's also much more disinformation online about this than good information. And I also believe that anyone giving themselves over to the assurances of a manufacturer or a government without checking facts for themselves will often experience disappointment. Thanks!, Mike