They are all over the place, like little gnomes, but covered with fur. Hossenfeffer ripe for the picking! With all the RF, they come in various levels of being precooked, those on top of the mountain are well done, those further down the side of the hill are medium rare!
What a great looking pooch! Sorry to hear he is no longer with you. Our pets really work their way into our hearts, makes it tough to lose one! On the plus side, it's what us human! My wife did get me hooked on cats, I had to put 2 down a year ago, just sad. 6 months later the last of the original group of four was gone. A trip to the cat rescue got us a new pal, I actually found the other under a Ford! They make life interesting around here! I have had large aquariums for the last 40+ years. I just can't get emotionally attached to a fish. It's more the challenge of keeping a bio-system in balance! Cichlids, making baby Cichlids is the ultimate goal, the tank has to be just right for spawning, everything is balanced and in good health! Then you see 30 or so fry, cool!
Its a common occurrence of people when they're exposed to high levels of electromagnetic radiation to feel extremely tired and fatigued.
I would say it's the peace and sense of well being that comes from knowing your fuel cost and carbon footprint is half what it used to be while you are enjoying one of the most technologically advanced cars on the road. Experiencing that win/win condition everyday in a world of chaos and waste is soothingly peaceful.
Assuming you have any documentation to back up that assertion, it is a good thing that the Prius does not have high levels of electromagnetic radiation.
I fall asleep regularly on long drives in my prius, which never happened before. I have to add an extra hour to any drive over 2 hours. And after a 14 hour drive it's taken me days to recover. I love my prius, but am wondering if some of us are sensitive to something... this never happened before and I've done many long road trips over the years. So I'd love to find out the root cause of this; just cause 'so and so' says it can't happen, theres no scientific evidence, doesn't mean it isn't happening to some of us. (They say/said that about all sorts of things over the years, for example exposure to radiation. Then down the line, Oh sorry! we were wrong! Your kid has no arms!)
Are you driving when you fall asleep? If you can't stay awake and alert, you shouldn't be driving. Perhaps you should see a doctor.
But in this case, we do have scientific evidence that the Prius does not have more EMF in the passenger compartment than do many other cars. If there is a problem, it should show up first with the other car models that create higher exposures. The Prius will put some drivers to sleep from boredom. The babies with no arms came from a drug, Thalidomide, not from exposure to radiation. And that drug was not approved in the U.S., most of the victims were in other countries with faster/weaker regulatory bureaucracy. Please do not confuse and mix your FUD stories.
i've put on weight since purchasing my first prius in '04, i thought i was eating too much, but now i know better...
In contrast, our 2003 Prius: 1,000 mile trips - two, one to South Carolina and one to North Carolina 750 mile trips - one, one-way, Fort Worth to Huntsville; two round trips, SE Kansas and Huntsville; one round trip, Madison WI and Huntsville; one round trip Washington DC and Huntsville; and one round trip Tiffin OH and Huntsville (two drivers) in 24 hours with our 2010 Prius Unlike our former cars, Toyota Echo, Camry, and Caravan, I don't feel "beat up" when I arrive. The lack of engine noise and vibration makes it a lot easier to do cross-country drives. It is important to have iPad loaded with tunes but mostly it is just a question of setting the cruise control to 65 mph and listening to quality music. After the first three hour leg, it is important to take a break every two hours, even if not getting gas, to get something to drink and walk around, briefly. This is a relaxed way to cover a lot of miles and able to do something when I arrive. Bob Wilson
I've taken road trips w/my 06 Prius, sometimes 500 miles, one way. The longest has been ~1000 miles, one way. I don't feel any more tired or anything vs. other non-hybrids that I've driven on road trips.
Or you could just put 5 gallons in when you fill up and save Toyota money on R&D to redesign the tank. I find the Pruis very easy, pleasant and relaxing to drive but not sleep inducing. I find after a longer journey I can rest for 5-10 minutes and I am quite happy to get back in and continue. This is the opposite to any other car I've owned where I always just wanted to get to the destination and end the driving.
I take it you haven't indulged in driving a luxury vehicle. I use to enjoy long drives in a land yacht when gasoline was less expensive.
This 'person' signed up to make a single post, and never returned to read even the very first reply. I'll write it off as a fake trolling account by another reader to manufacture support for his unsupported argument.
That was probably "Rachel B Van Winkle," a world class, narcoleptic (says this husband of a narcoleptic.) Bob Wilson