Prius Driver's Seat Misery

Discussion in 'Gen 2 Prius Main Forum' started by Sherlockian, Apr 9, 2009.

  1. cycledrum

    cycledrum PSOCSOASP

    Apr 9, 2008
    Other Non-Hybrid
    I believe dogfriend did a mod to lower the back of seat bottom.

    I'm sitting 2" farther back than a stock Prius seat, and it's gooood. Took me a week or so to move the seatback a notch or two forward, but I did. Upper seatback very supportive, reach to steering wheel is good enough and adequate headroom. I was very lucky it turned out so well.

    Anyrate, I hear what your saying. I was very frustrated, almost furious at times of this class of seat and steering wheel in a $25 - 30k car. Really, I was furious for being naive to choose a new car I was soon unhappy with.

    I'm not furious anymore. I did what I needed to do in the way I needed to do it. No way was I going to do a 'permanent' mod to a $2,500 seat, rendering it ineligible for trade-in and likely passed over by prospective buyers. I was very fortunate to find a used light Gray Prius seat with airbag. Boo asked good questions and helped in finding pictures of NYPrius' remount/weld mod. I did it mostly at home.

    Now there is a set of brackets at Prius shop to relocate a seat back 4", which is plenty for anyone.

    I'm using 3 of 4 extra clicks available with my remounted seat. Well over a month so far and everything working fine. 3 extra clicks is about 2" farther back, a welcome relief for long legs.

    I used to recline my seatback a fair amount like F8L before the modification. In fact, that is partly how I convinced myself to buy this Prius.

    Then the tight reach to the brake pedal bit down hard after 3 or 4 months. By then, I knew I was in kinda hot water with this car - I bought it, but I hated the seating and legroom.

    I paid dozens of visits to Toyota dealers, Honda, Mazda, etc, going to car shows, realizing the mistake I had made - that I really like ample legroom, lower seating and telescopic wheel like in a Civic, Mazda3 ... heck, even a 2009 Corolla has better driver's seat than a Gen2 Prius.

    When I got serious about doing some kind of mod (and some extra money available), I used a Tacoma Access Cab truck in a showroom to see what relocating Prius seat back would be like.

    The Tacoma was a good 'model' because it also does not have a height adjustable seat, but it could slide back about 4 clicks farther than stock Prius.

    Also, the Tacoma seat bottom is kind of small like a Prius, the headroom is also a little scant for a very tall person, and seeing under rearview mirror a challenge like the Prius.

    I set the Tacoma up like a Prius, even measured to steering wheel (wheel is bigger on Tacoma though).

    Then I clicked back seat observing what it's like, what the Prius might be like. After a while I was convinced that making the seat slide back about 2" further would greatly help things.

    Originally, I thought a height adjuster mod would have been nirvana in a Gen2 Prius.
    The trouble is the Gen2 Prius upper seat bottom is already set back in relation to lower frame. Look at the plastic semicircle on bottom back of seat.

    You will see the horizontal brace is already mostly above that seimicircle (bar receptor). That means you gain almost no travel backward with the very difficult height adjuster addition that only a couple have pulled off here. I mounted a height adjustable Corolla seat in mine. I could sit down really low, but legroom was still lousy for me. Glad I didn't need that mod since it is so difficult.

    So, I worked with a fantanstic local metal shop to fab small braces, then reweld mounting feet in new position. I was kinda stressed doing it after work, but I just had to do it, and everything came together fine. The last day was magic, like finishing a tough race. But the reward was great. I have a thread in 'mods' section.

    Now, gciffyprius (sp?) has a quick solution to remount the seat, albeit the braces are going to weigh some pounds. If designed well, the braces will not raise the back mounts of the seat, something definitely do not want in a Gen2 Prius.

    With long legs, I would not recommend raising front edge of seat when modding to move seat back, unless you want your knees hitting steering wheel. Also, if front of seat raised, you're actually raising your butt height, opposite of what's good in a Gen2. Make a custom cushion for thigh support instead.

    I think about the 2010 Prius, kind of a hobby. Its seating is really nice. Easy to desire the latest and greatest, but I'm comfortable in my car now. Remounted seat, seatback cover and custom cushion make me feel pretty darn good on a short drive or long one.

    I hope this helps. The Gen2 Prius seat can be made better, but it will take some time and money, maybe a lot of effort depending on the mod.
    1 person likes this.
  2. cycledrum

    cycledrum PSOCSOASP

    Apr 9, 2008
    Other Non-Hybrid
    I faked out the Prius seat by having a 1/4" foam base made up with a small wedge towards front edge (foam shop would not cut thinner than 1/4") They can glue foam together to make shapes.

    I have fabric in my car. I imagine the leather seats are more cushy, but I don't get on with the fabric in mine.

    But I sure like sitting on the cushion. How could I go wrong since the cushion is covered with a pillowcase. Good enough for my mug, good enough for my butt.
  3. Rick12Player

    Rick12Player Junior Member

    Sep 20, 2007
    Alexandria, VA
    2016 Prius
    Three Touring
    Cool thread. I'm 6'4", 170 lbs (77 kg), and usually wear 34x34's. I've had comfort problems in all my previous cars (95 Chevy Cavalier, 99 Merc Tracer) and the Prius too.

    A big +1 on removing the wallet, etc. from back pocket.
  4. cycledrum

    cycledrum PSOCSOASP

    Apr 9, 2008
    Other Non-Hybrid
    I remember doing that many times 6 months ago, drive with no wallet when trying a seat cover or cushion, or bare seat .... seat and legroom still stunk for me anyway.

    Much 'stronger medicine' was required in my car, but it's been cured.
  5. F8L

    F8L Protecting Habitat & AG Lands

    Aug 14, 2006
    Grass Valley, CA.
    Other Non-Hybrid
    Interestingly I've found one reason to love my seats.

    With the tire air pressure at 52/50psi there is an apparent vibration in the passenger seat. This is very noticible on mountain roads that have been salted and slightly pitted but she even mentioned the feeling on smooth freeways.... It worked out well for me. :D

    Thank you Toyota Prius seats!
  6. Muhahahahaz

    Muhahahahaz Member

    Jul 15, 2009
    2007 Prius

    You must teach me how to use this technique on my girlfriend... :D
  7. Smoky gray

    Smoky gray New Member

    May 31, 2009
    Albuquerque, NM
    2009 Prius
    My problem is the opposite of most people's. I'm 4'11" and feel perfectly comfortable in the seat of my 2009 Prius. However, I would like to sit higher for better visibility and to get me out of the sun more (I'm in Albuquerque). I bought a cushion, but it's not as comfortable as sitting on the nice contoured seat. Any suggestions?