Don- I was t-boned in the @ the front fender, the deep snow where i was stuck may be the cause of the bumper removal. They hit me hard enough so spin the parked car 180 degrees...
this was a "total" in 2006 w/ barely 3,000 miles on the clock. it was then re-built as a salvage title vehicle. works great for me today w/ 80K miles.
Brought back bad memory of us getting T-boned 1500 miles from home in an '08 in 2008. Ours looked very similar to your picture and it was considered totalled by ICBC ( Insurance Corp of British Columbia). Two weeks later we were back in a new '08 at relatively little cost except some expenses for part of our trip back home in a rental. The important thing for you and ourselves is we were not injured. Gary
eeeew that hurts then. Hope it works out OK for you. If the insurance wants to fix it then be sure YOU are happy with the body shop doing the work. - D
Well the estimates are in...(preliminary, of course) and they are not correct actually, because some of the damage caused by the other driver was "guessed" as being caused by me. (it was on the same side, can't really blame them) so some numbers need to move around but, all in all i'd assume it's pretty accurate. Damages Caused by Me- $3,400 (turns out I *did* hit the cement wall, not just the Ice and Snow wall) Damages Caused By other Driver $14,500 So thats a total of $17,900. and that number could of course always go up if they were to actually get in there and do the repair... hidden damages and all. it would include Painting/Blending the Drivers door all the way around the front of the car, passenger side to the rear bumper. Needless to say, It looks like a total, just waiting from the final word from insurance as they are reviewing the numbers.
I just put a (refundable) deposit down on a 08 Pack 5 Touring. I'd like a 2010= but i think they are just out of the budget.
They did not. I'd assume because my original impact was only the front drivers corner of the bumper, and I was sitting in park when the 2nd impact occurred. either that or the car needs to sense a passenger for the side curtain airbags to deploy.
That's a couple of pretty good hits. Speaking as a Physics guy, she did a helluva job absorbing the impact and sparing you any injury. Hopefully you have good insurance, and will be riding a brand spanking new Prius real soon.
I guess the real question is what kind of idiot goes 60mph in that crap with other people on the road?!