Norton reported virus e.exe is infected by bbbinvestigation,org, which also try to open a media player window. I think the moderators should ask the web site provider to remove the's script.
Guys, if you are still having problems, try clearing your browser's cache and cookies and then come back to PriusChat to see if you are still having troubles. My server admin are 99% sure that the exploit has been taken care of, so at this point it might just be problems with your local machine caching files.
I've cleared cache, cookies, and restarted Firefox. I have adblocker active. It's still happening to me.
Another user having the kind of problems described, including a false attempt to run some kind of Java media. I'm a Firefox user and I have Norton.
I get the warning too, even on other machines. I configure my browser to automatically clear the cache/cookies upon exit
This only appears to target Windows machines. Running Ubuntu, FireFox, and NoScript, everything is fine
So how was PC hacked? Bug in vBulletin that was not patched? PC database broken into? Server that PC is hosted on broken into?
It's still there. Like others I've cleared everything, re-booted and Avast is still reporting the rogue java script. I'm getting trojan warnings randomly from pretty much every page on Priuschat. Jeremy PS: I'm running a windows machine with Firefox. On my other machine (also windows/firefox, but with noscript and adblock) Avast doesn't seem to see any problems. My guess is that its coming from the adverts.
Jeremy, it's actually probably because noscript is blocking the javascript from bbb-whatever from running. Still looking into this...
Update: I got the php script to pop-up in Windows under FireFox. I forgot to clear the cache system that uses and now I can't get the php file download to pop-up in Firefox anymore. Please let me know if it still happens to you guys.
I'm also getting a 'Malicious Script Blocked' warning from Avast, blocking '' on every instance of this forum I've visited. Disabling Javascript stops the warnings; enabling Javascript turns them back on. (Firefox 3.6.3) I've been searching the troubleshooting forums since about midday, and the warnings started appearing a couple of hours ago - in mid-search. Whatever was done to your forum might have been done recently. (Or Avast autoupdated while my back was turned.) (Edited for quote fail.)
Yep, just tested with a new window and Avast still blocks the same scripting attempt. Shall I wipe everything and retry?
Here is what little I have found out so far: 1) Google found it (or it found Google) around 5 June and told Microsoft 2) Four days later Google let the rest of the world know. 3) Microsoft bitched about letting the world know (Windows Help Vulnerability Disclosure - The Microsoft Security Response Center (MSRC) - Site Home - TechNet Blogs) 4) There is no fix figured out yet, other than some really temporary and complicated registry hacking described by Microsoft ( 5) Turning off active scripting helps, but does not get rid of the problem. Unfortunately, you need to turn active scripting on to download windows updates. (That sucks.) 6) Updating to Window Media player 10 or 11 is essential if you have this problem to prevent your computer from even worse damage. 7) This virus has completely disabled my Symantec AntiVirus Corporate Edition from running a scan. So this Virus is very serious and looks to be around for a while.