It is a good point of comparison, though. Some people om California have seem averages in the high 60s with the Gen 4. I am not there yet, but the weather here is much cooler.
I've gotten as high as 67 mpg and as low as 42 mpg in my gen 4. Driving style and weather play a huge role. So does terrain (my lowest mpg tanks all come while driving in very hilly or mountainous terrain). I wanted to like the c, I really did. But it's just not as efficient as the gen 4 liftback is. You're getting a car with worse aerodynamics and older technology. Perhaps if you drive in town 90+% of the time and appreciate the ease of parking a smaller car, I can see the advantage. Otherwise, the liftback is bigger, more powerful, *and* easier on gas.
I remember reading the Prius c stood for city driving. It has a smaller engine than all the other members of the Prius family.
I agree! The size is my favorite quality of the smallest Prii. I haven't noticed any power issues yet.
I have the 2015 Prius C Two. I really like the little car. Owned since Oct 31, 2015; bought new. I have 28,000 miles on it (yea I know, lots of miles, my daily commute is 80 miles and I have driven it to Florida from Indiana 4 times now). I don't have an issue with the seats, but for 16 years I drove Jeep Cherokees' (not the grand). For a small car, it is very good. Driving to and from Florida, with cruise set to 76mph, I have averaged 46 mpg. On my commute to work (it is also on the superslab), I don't use cruise and keep it at 65mph (not in a hurry in either direction), I have been averaging 52 mpg during the winter. Last summer, I averaged 56mpg. When I drive to town (10 miles in either direction, small county roads), averaging 40mph, I average 61-62mpg. With the passenger seats folded down, I have loaded deer in the back to take to the processor with plenty of room (125lb doe). I loaded a 90 lb doe in the back storage area without lowering the passenger seats. 0-60mph on flat road takes about 11-12 secs. I don't have trouble accessing the Interstate or merging but I know I am not driving a sports car and drive accordingly. Make sure you have speed if you hit hills with 5 or more % grade, if not, you will putt putt up the steep hills. Remember, it is a sub-compact car and don't expect luxury sedan qualities and you will like the little car.