Whats up everyone! New to Prius and new to hybrids here. This is a very useful thread to me since I just picked up my Habanero Prius C one earlier today. At 40 mi on the odometer (bought it at 11 mi.), I'm averaging high 40s/low 50s mixed driving on the display. Not bad considering I haven't really tried the pulse and glide technique that Prius owners always talk about.
I bought my Prius c two today. I did a test drive with 8 miles on the odometer, and from Lexington, KY around the bypass and up to Georgetown and back to the dealer, 72 miles later I was getting 68.8 MPG. After I purchased it I drove from the dealership back home, this included interstate, (that drops you a bit)... but after 99.2 Im at 61.9 MPG. We will see after the first tank, how accurate this meter is. I seem to have no problem running from one side of town to the other in my town where the grocery store and ended up over 70 MPG both trips. up to 111 miles on the odometer now, and very happy. I'm registered on fully as 'n9qgs' if anyone wants to follow me. be a few fill ups before it starts showing up
Quickly accelerating (but stay out of the "red") until you reach desired cruise speed and then backing off on the pedal as you maintain that recently acquired cruise speed. Works best going downhill naturally; takes experimentation when driving level and is virtually useless when going uphill of course.
Congrats on your purchase. After reading that they were starting to show up here and there, I called Green's Toyota Tuesday. They told me they'd be getting them later this month, but the salesperson said he'd call me when they came in. Then I got a call yesterday (Wednesday) that one had come in. Wow. Cool. He said someone was test driving it at the moment (I'm guessing that was you - Blue Streak Metallic C2?) and by the time I was able to leave work, I called back and you were about to purchase it. Anyway, just funny to see your post on here today. Small world (if that was you). Anyway, he said more would be in soon. How was your buying experience there? Did you pay MSRP? I've been a Honda person since 1986 and I've always bought used, so this is a whole new world for me.
I'm pretty sure tutorials have been stickied in PC but a quick search missed them. Read this instead. Wayne makes a big deal of how hard to accelerate, but that is much less important than learning the (g)lide part of the cycle. Just stay out of the power range in the (p)ulse part. It is a great technique to learn. It came easily to me because I tend to coast a lot in any car I drive in the city, but anybody can learn it with a bit of effort. In moderate weather and obedient traffic lights I easily hit 70+ mpg in our G2 Prius, so you just might hit 80 mpg Do keep your eyes on the road though and not the display; and remember, P&G is still less important than anticipatory driving to keep brake use to a minimum Good Luck!
that's amazing for a brandnew car. Can you tell us a bit more on the driving conditions, speed, etc...?
this little screen is amazing! I want one on my Yaris Hybrid! Hope the MPG showings are accurate though. Please check at the pump and tell us!
I'm surprised myself. I've always read that the motors had to be broken in pretty well to get good mpg. The 62 mpg today was 30 mi of bumper to bumper flat LA fwy traffic. On the way back from LA, traffic was clear and I got 57ish mpg. That's gradual acceleration (but enough to keep up with traffic) up to a steady 65 mph and coasting to a stop. On short trips around the city, I'm getting 50-60. I'm being gentle but reasonable on the driving. I'm sure I can squeeze out an additional 10 mpg if I really tried.
The new screens in the PriusC help new drivers get the feel... and the EV button too. I'm adjusting my driving to fit this car- which is a little different from the 2006 Prius I was driving. Took my boss for a spin this morning and he was very impressed. Yup... love this car!
I know that cool eco score screen really is helping me learn how to max out this thing haha! So far I got 94 score. The stops are the hardest for me to get 5 bars. So far my best was Acceleration 5 Cruise 5 and Stops 4
I've read several write ups on the helpful nature of the c's eco displays and how it helps the driver become significantly more efficient. All new hybrid drivers should make sure they read as much as they can about hypermiling in this Forum. The c is going to be capable of saving serious fuel dollars for those who learn to drive this car as well as possible. It really isn't that hard to drive these Prii efficiently. Eventually you won't even have to think about your driving technique, as it becomes a natural part of every day driving habits. Will take a little practice at first, but it becomes very easy in short time. Love seeing these great MPG readings!
Nope, not true. I've bought two brand new Prius and driven a few rental Pri's with only a couple miles total on them to start .... spankin' new Prius' will get EPA mpgs or more when brand new depending on the conditions. Unless someone has data of a clear jump in MPGs due to gas engine break-in, I'm inclined to think it's just a myth. Thee major thing that kills MPGs is short, 1 mile type trips from cold start - your gas engine fires up to warm itself up and your MPG gage just starts dropping bit by bit. That's what really blows the MPG. 1 mile trips will punt my 50 MPG car down to about 43 MPGs in a hurry. Plug-in Prius eliminates that problem for a price.