I've noticed that my Prius is saving me a lot less gas as well. When I had my Civic hybrid, my wife hated it and never cared to drive it or ride in it. Now that I have the Prius, it gets 10+ mpg more than my Civic, but my wife keeps stealing my car and I am stuck driving her Kia Forte Koup which only gets about 28 mpg. I'm starting to sense a disturbance in the force.
It's a disease I tell you. You have been bitten by the Hybrid Bug. I'm about to trade in my Elantra and it's only 2 years old. The replacement for IT probably won't be another Pruis though.
Put a "For Sale - CHEAP!" sign on the Kia. YES! That's part of it, but there's also a Scrappy-Do thing going on with some of the high priests and priestesses of hybridom. Add a dash of elitism and a pinch of automotive Napoleonic complex and....well....there you go. I've noticed over the last few years that Prius drivers are getting to be more mainstream and the Bigger Battery crowd (EV/PHEVs) are now the ones screaming for attention and attacking all criticisms---real and imagined. Next decade it will be the Solar-cars that are calling those crazy battery luggers "Luddites." ........and so it goes.
Definition of LUDDITE: one of a group of early 19th century English workmen destroying laborsaving machinery as a protest; broadly : one who is opposed to especially technological change. Merriam-Webster There's even a mention of the Prius in this article : "We try to simplify our lives by shopping at the local farmers market—then haul our organic arugula home in a Prius." What the Luddites Really Fought Against | History | Smithsonian
I drive a 2012 Prius C Two moonglow. I drive a low speeds most of the time. My total MPG with 2,665 miles on the odometer is slightly over 62.1 MPG. I love my little car and it is fun to drive. I think the engineers at TOYOTA have designed a fantastic automobile!
Yeah, I bought mine about a month ago and have already driven 3,000 miles? What gives?? Went to Kentucky (Mammoth Cave), Back and forth to D.C. from Baltimore a few times....btw, Sitting in traffic in D.C. is SOOOO relaxing in the Prius C., I love traffic jams now - lol. Then there is the required random driving to no place in particular to figure out how to save more gas. Love the OP BTW
Yeah, I bought mine about a month ago and have already driven 3,000 miles? What gives?? Went to Kentucky (Mammoth Cave), Back and forth to D.C. from Baltimore a few times....btw, Sitting in traffic in D.C. is SOOOO relaxing in the Prius C., I love traffic jams now - lol. Then there is the required random driving to no place in particular to figure out how to save more gas. Love the OP BTW
My story? I sold a great little Suzuki VStom 650 (60 MPG) bike to buy the C. Love the C2 that I bought, even like the interstate driving (47.8mpg at 72 mph)...so what happens, my wife took the car away from me.....in love with the thing...and I am stuck with a 250cc "minibike" that I picked up for $650 (72mpg), the Harley guys give me a lot of trouble now, the old bike was faster than them, this one, not so much.